Sanjay214598 / OpenLM

GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Open Sanjay214598 opened 5 years ago

Sanjay214598 commented 5 years ago

Allows you to detect fraudulent activity in vendor payments, financial statements, etc. The employees can use web forms and whistleblower hotlines to alert management about fraud

Implements surveys and self-assessments to track internal or external compliance with policies and programs around conflicts of interest, codes of conduct, gifts and entertainment, anti-bribery, information security awareness, and other governance requirements

Enables a comprehensive process to identify, assess, mitigate, and monitor third-party risks, as well as to manage compliance. This streamlines third-party information gathering, due diligence, onboarding, real-time monitoring, and risk and control assessments

Tracks XML and RSS feeds of regulatory information and alerts put out by government organizations and standards bodies. You can map the feeds to existing policies. Some vendors employ legal teams that build knowledge bases of global regulations

Enables you to streamline and standardize the process of capturing, investigating, resolving, and reporting cases

Includes reporting and case management features and systematic workflows to investigate and resolve compliance issues. Some platforms support field reporting in real time for audits

Customizable and generic online courses to train employees on compliance activities

Version control, approval workflows, policy authoring etc. Policies are recorded in a central registry that maps relevant regulations

GDPR help customers gain a greater level of control over their data, while offering more transparency throughout the data collection and use process. It also boosts the rights of individuals and gives them more control over their information

Fraud and identity management Invigilation Service Reporting

Codes of Conduct Gifts and Entertainment Anti-Bribery Information Security Awareness Periodic Reporting

Information Gathering On-boarding Risk and Control Assessments

Recurring Reports Requests for Information Due Diligence

Financial Crime Anti Money Laundering Reporting

Periodic/Recurring Report Generation Feedback Periodic Reporting

On-boarding Trainings Assessments Periodic Reporting

Dashboard Periodic Reporting

Breach Notification Access Management Periodic Reporting

~40-50% effort can be saved by using RPA A significant effort save can be achieved in Periodic or Recurring Reports, On-Boarding processes and Excel Work Manipulation

40 – 60 % Periodic or Recurring Reporting On-Boarding Process Excel Work Manipulation

30 – 40 % Email Distribution Feedback System

20 – 30 % Training Assessment Data Access

Sanjay214598 commented 4 years ago

Sanjay214598 commented 4 years ago


Sanjay214598 commented 4 years ago

Sanjay214598 commented 4 years ago