SanjayB06 / flask_portfolio

Tri 1: Python and Flask Intro
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Week 9 Video Reviews #69

Closed SanjayB06 closed 3 years ago

SanjayB06 commented 3 years ago


Sanjay Matthew Gavin Samuel Avg Score
Sanjay 5.6 5.6 5.5 5.57
Matthew 5.5 5.5 5.4 5.47
Gavin 5.3 5.3 5.5 5.36
Samuel 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5
SproutingOnion commented 3 years ago

Sanjay: 2/2 for boolean expressions. I really like how you went in depth with your code and explained everything. 2/2 for iteration. the iteration part was also very indepth and i liked how you were very efficient. 1.6/2 for css. I think the css part was very good but i think the only criticism i have for it is felt like it went on for a little too long. total is 5.6/6

Samuel: 1.5/2 for collaboration. I like how organized the scrumboard is but i think the collaboration part went on for a little too long. 2/2 for the api. It's really cool how you used an api. 2/2 conditionals. I like how the quiz tells you you did a good job. Next time please speak louder please and thank you.

Gavin: 1.4/2 for collaboration. I like how you organized it so that it was very neat and easy to read. but i think the collaboration part went on for too long. 2/2 for your css. I like how you made the css part very in depth because it was very nice to follow along as you explained it, 2/2 for your dictionaries, I really liked how indepth you went with your dictionaries and it was cool to see how the dictionaries would looked like. total 5.3/6

SanjayB06 commented 3 years ago

Samuel: 2/2 for the API code. Its connected to information we've learned in tech talks and TPTs and was explained in the video. 2/2 for the Boolean expressions topic. Its connected to the data types we've learned about in CB 3 and and conditionals topic. 1.5/2 For the scrum board, as I feel it is talked about for too long and takes away from time that could be spent on more technical information. It is connected to CB topics, however. Total score: 5.5/6.

Matthew: 1.75/2 For the CSS explanation and demonstrating all the styles that you implemented in the project. -.25 for not going that in depth into the code. 2/2 for Boolean expressions and conditions. Its related to topics from Big Idea 3 and the code was explained well. 1.75/2 For scrum board, as I feel the section went on for too long for a non-technical topic. Total: 5.5/6

Gavin: 1.5/2 for ReadME. Not a technical topic, and spent too much time on it, which took away from others. Also led to going over time. Points for link to CB. 2/2 For lists and dictionaries. Related to CB topics and tech talks and also helps other members with their topics. 1.8/2 for css. Tour of code provided to explain CSS. However, went on for too long compared to how much css was discussed. Total Score: 5.3/6

Samuelwaang commented 3 years ago

Sanjay: 1.5/2 I really like how you presented your CSS with thoroughness, going over everything, and how aesthetically pleasing it was. I think you could probably work on some of the stylings. For example on the topics page, a lot of the images had backgrounds, which clashed with the website background color. Also, maybe consider making solid color buttons or thinner ones in your trivia pages. You also may have gone a little too in depth for it. 2/2 I also liked how you went into depth on how you used iteration and why it is important, connecting it back to the collegeboard topic. 2/2 I also liked how you went through your boolean expressions and how they worked, connecting it back to the collegeboard topic. Specifically, I really liked how you did the boolean to tell the user if they were right or not. total:5.5 Matthew: 1.75/2 for collaboration (scrumboard), I feel like you didn't really say what you did on it, just that it was there. 1.65/2 I like what you did with the styling and the color combination with the dark blue and and grey. I also liked the card you made for the trivia page that contrasted the questions/answer to the background color. However, you probably should've showed your code for all the CSS more and explained it. 2/2 I also liked your number game against the ai and I like how you went into depth with showing it and you connected it back to the collegeboard topic of conditionals.. total:5.4 Gavin: 1.75/2 For the collaboration, I like how you went in depth of what is on there and how it is organized. But, you didn't really say what you did on it and spent a little too long on it. 1.75 for the styling. I like how you showed all of the code for the CSS and the page, but you went a little too specific into the CSS. 2/2 The dictionary part was good and showed that you understood it and connected it back to PBL. total:5.5

GavinYWu commented 3 years ago

Sanjay: 1.6/2 for CSS. The explanation is very quick and easy to understand, but I feel like you could have gone over more things for the topic. 2/2 for Boolean expressions. I like the in depth explanation of the code on how it works. 2/2 for Iteration. The explanation was also very in depth and I liked how you explain why iteration was used. Total: 5.6/6

Matthew: 1.75/2 for Scrum board. You didn't really explain much for the scrum board and kind of just read out the section names. 1.75/2 for CSS. The new color scheme you came up with looks nice even though it's different from the original wireframe, need more explanation for the code. 2/2 for Boolean expressions. I like the new game or gaem you came up with and explanation is easy to follow. Total: 5.5/6

Samuel: 1.5/2 for Scrum board. Spent too much time on it and there wasn't much to talk about. 2/2 for conditionals. Connected to the college board topics we've learned. 2/2 for the API code. Well explained in the video and is connected to the tpts we've learned. Total: 5.5/6