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Alerts for incoming Blending - short notice #206

Open JasonSchneider19 opened 2 weeks ago

JasonSchneider19 commented 2 weeks ago

As discussed, an “incident” this weekend has led us to revisit the idea of sending alerts to Logistics to eliminate the need to be constantly scrolling the rig board and potentially missing something urgent. Right now we rely on Ops to give us a heads up.

The “incident” in question was a job that came up, first call, with less than 24 hours notice. By the time Matt noticed it on the RB he was at the end of day shift, with only 18 hours before the job, testing that needed to be completed and an houred out lab tech.

Obviously we don’t want/need an alert for every job that comes up, so I was thinking we could have some rules to determine what needs an alert:

To start, I have put together this short list.

Notifications to be sent, via teams, to Logistics and Dispatch