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Ops Forecast - Updating program #207

Open JasonSchneider19 opened 2 weeks ago

JasonSchneider19 commented 2 weeks ago

The sales forecast was originally created with PRG2400829. It was imported into the ops forecast The sales forecast was updated to PRG2400829.01 image image

The project was reimported, with the new program, but the program # did not update. image image

When the PRG # is updated in the ops forecast image The jobs do not update to the new program. It remains PRG2400829 image

Expect the program to be updated to the new program when reimported with the new program # Expect the ability to modify the program # in the ops forecast

To test this another way, all jobs without a call sheet were deleted and the project was reimported, using a custom import. The old program #, 2400829 was imported. Not R1. I expected PRG2400829.01 to be imported

awangatsanjel commented 2 weeks ago

In operation forecast job, the program revision is not saved from sales forecast. If there are multiple versions of a program, the one which is sorted on the top will show in the program box but shown as "PRGxxxxxxxx Rx" format. Due to this defect, updating program revision in operation forecast job is not working either.


  1. Add program revision in EstimateJob (JobBase).
  2. Carry over program revision when importing sales forecast to operation forecast.
  3. Update program revision in updating forecast individually/batch functions.