SankethBK / diaryvault

A personal diary application written in Flutter
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add missing languages and sort the language table in main README #178

Closed nokacper24 closed 7 months ago

nokacper24 commented 7 months ago

What type of PR is this?


Add missing languages to the table (Spanish, Polish and Telugu, also added English as primary).
Additionally sorted the table alphabetically.

I set the complete/incomplete status for the added languages by a rough comparison of number of lines in the given file to the English file.
If the file had ~80%+ of the amount of lines in English, i considered it to complete (seamed reasonable considering other languages in the table)
Completion percentages for each language: ar: 62.9% de: 89.52% en: 100.0% es: 89.52% fi: 76.61% fr: 89.52% gu: 76.61% he: 62.9% hi: 89.52% id: 79.03% kn: 62.9% pa: 62.9% pl: 90.32% (mind PR #177 brings this back to 100%) pt: 89.52% sw: 62.9% te: 90.32% zh: 89.52%