Closed torchesburn closed 2 years ago
The map shows as black when i apply it
const {name, shader, vectorProperties, textureProperties, floatProperties} = materialProperty; console.log(materialProperty); if (shader === 'VRM/MToon') { const objects = _findMaterialsObjects(o.scene, name); for (const object of objects) { const newMaterial = new MToonMaterial(); newMaterial._debugMode = true; const oldMaterial = object.material; Object.keys(vectorProperties).forEach(key=>{ newMaterial[key] = vectorProperties[key]; }); Object.keys(textureProperties).forEach(key=>{ newMaterial[key] = textureProperties[key]; }); Object.keys(floatProperties).forEach(key=>{ newMaterial[key] = floatProperties[key]; }); =; This is how the materialProperties look : ```json floatProperties: {_Cutoff: 0.5, _BumpScale: 1, _ReceiveShadowRate: 1, _ShadingGradeRate: 1, _ShadeShift: -0.6, …} keywordMap: {_ALPHABLEND_ON: true, _NORMALMAP: true} name: "F00_000_00_EyeExtra_01_EYE" renderQueue: 3000 shader: "VRM/MToon" tagMap: {RenderType: 'Opaque'} textureProperties: {_MainTex: 14, _ShadeTexture: 14, _BumpMap: 1, _SphereAdd: 6, _EmissionMap: 2} vectorProperties: {_Color: Array(4), _ShadeColor: Array(4), _MainTex: Array(4), _ShadeTexture: Array(4), _BumpMap: Arra
The map shows as black when i apply it