Currently, on Sapphire, tutors have the ability to deduct points from individual student in group assignments for various reasons (ex. student was late to the group presentation). However, the system currently only allows for deductions to be made in terms of specific point amounts, instead of also allowing deducting by percentages.
User Story:
As a tutor, I need the ability to deduct points from student assignments by percentage rather than only specific point amounts.
Student A was late and will get a 25% deduction. Tutor goes under "Individual Subtractions" and can enter -25%. The system calculates 25% of the student's points for that assignment and deducts it.
Acceptance Criteria:
The system should allow tutors to enter negative percentage values for deductions.
When a negative percentage is entered, the system should calculate the deduction based on the percentage of the student's points for that assignment.
The deducted points should be reflected accurately in the student's grade.
Currently, on Sapphire, tutors have the ability to deduct points from individual student in group assignments for various reasons (ex. student was late to the group presentation). However, the system currently only allows for deductions to be made in terms of specific point amounts, instead of also allowing deducting by percentages.
User Story:
Acceptance Criteria:
Location: Exercises -> Submissions -> Evaluate -> Edit -> Under "Individual Subtractions"