SaptakS / opinator

A plugin to do sentiment analysis of reviews in ecommerce website.
9 stars 5 forks source link

Always create pull request before adding any new feature. #6

Closed fluffybeing closed 9 years ago

fluffybeing commented 9 years ago

Use git tools properly.

$ git branch #check current branch
# now you want to add feature let say 'os call', so now create a branch for it
$ git checkout -b os-call
# now make changes and commit your code and push it to `os-call` branch
$ git push origin os-call
# now you will some notification on your github project page about creating a pull request.

read more about it from git-scm.

SaptakS commented 9 years ago

yes sir. Done accordingly.

apexkid commented 9 years ago

@rahulrrixe Verify please.

@SaptakS cut the "sir"