Sar-taj107 / Code-Sandbox-Hacktoberfest23

Make your first Pull Request on Hacktoberfest 2023. if you know the implementation of any DSA related topic/problem or hackerrank, leetcode, hackerearth problem then you can contribute it in this repo. Raise Genuine PRs only. Your PRs will be accepted, keep patience. Star this Repo ⭐️ Contribute and join us in celebrating Hacktoberfest! 🎉🎉
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Solved-Find Largest Value in Each Tree Row in leetcode #37

Closed thejaswi13 closed 9 months ago

thejaswi13 commented 9 months ago

"Find Largest Value in Each Tree Row" is a problem related to binary trees, and the task is to find the largest value in each level (or row) of the binary tree. The problem typically provides you with the root of a binary tree, and you need to traverse the tree and identify the largest value in each level and return these values as a list.