SaraESalem / ConcentrationGame-Standford2017-Assignments

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Code Review #1

Open ARamy23 opened 5 years ago

ARamy23 commented 5 years ago

Hey Sara, nice work, really great job with ur first assignment!

i really like the work u've been doing with the property observers, setters and getters and the access modifiers

also, i've seen that u used a closure to enclose all the game logic to the model and just expose when there is a match or not, great great job in doing that!

however i have a tip, Concentration is not a type, it's an object that should be mutable and a pass by reference object, so ig it would be better if we are using a class here, however, this is just a typical oop pov of things, however ur approach to dealing with the concentration model entity does has it's perks but that would open a long conversation about Protocol oriented programming and ig that's a bit advanced atm, so basically i really like ur work in the model area, kudos to u for that!

one thing that really amazed me was ur extension to find the one and only one and ur use of the .filter function

those really were such a WOW to me! 👏

also love ur work with the Hashable extension to the card, that was really some artistic work!

as for the bad things...

that's all, keep up the good work!

SaraESalem commented 5 years ago

thanks alot @ARamy23 i will Take your notes into consideration in next assignment. and please provide me with links , videos , anything to read more about Protocol oriented programming !