SarinaAtkinson-NOAA / SEFSC-ODM-Management-History

A method for generating an analysis-ready version of the Management History Dataset
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Data bugs for fishing season #24

Open SarinaAtkinson-NOAA opened 1 year ago

SarinaAtkinson-NOAA commented 1 year ago

Regulations where start month, start day, end month, or end day are missing:

FRs with fishing season greater than 365 days - because end year different from start year - potential data bugs

SarinaAtkinson-NOAA commented 1 year ago

@MichaelaPawluk-NOAA perhaps we could look into some of these potential data bugs during some of our commercial landings call today. Specifically, when the fishing season is greater than 365 days.

MichaelaPawluk-NOAA commented 1 year ago

For 51 FR 46675 - Reg ID 3486. This regulation corresponds to the initial fishery management plan. The plan was implemented mid-December of 1986, so rather than make one fishing season of two weeks they just combined the last few weeks of December with the 1987 fishing year, and then specified that subsequent fishing seasons would correspond with the calendar year. Below is an excerpt from the FR:

The initial fishing season for red drum is from 0001 hours (local time) December 23, 1986, until 2400 hours (local time) December 31, 1987. Subsequent fishing seasons correspond to the calendar year

I still need to look into 78 FR 18247 - REG IDs 2268, 2269, 37347, 2270, 2271, 37355

MichaelaPawluk-NOAA commented 1 year ago

I looked into 78 FR 18247 - REG IDs 2268, 2269, 37347, 2270, 2271, 37355 and I'm confused. Based on what's described in the regulation, I'm not sure how it could exceed 365 days. The reg describes several closures starting on different dates, depending on region and species complex, for the 2013 fishing season (e.g. "The 2013 fishing season for the recreational sector for wrasses in or from the Puerto Rico management area of the EEZ ends effective October 21, 2013. The 2014 fishing season begins 12:01 a.m., local time, January 1, 2014."). I'm not sure what could be going on that would lead to a fishing season greater than 365 days....

Edit: The above mentioned REG IDs should be listed as closures, rather than fishing season within the database. The fishing seasons started on January 1st and they closed at various dates to avoid exceeding the quota.

MichaelaPawluk-NOAA commented 1 year ago

For 86 FR 30393 it does not appear to be a data bug. There are two different approaches being employed for the accountability measures. For commercial, the season starts mid-July (2nd monday in July so in this case July 12th), and the AM is that the season closes when the ACL is reached or projected to be reached. Meanwhile, for recreational the AM is the season length. The previous year had a rec season of 4 days and the ACL was exceeded, so for the current year in the regulation the season was shortened to just a 3 day season.

There's no end date specified for commercial (other than the end of the year) since it's not known at the time the reg was published whether the ACL will be exceeded. If it was exceeded, there should be another reg later on specifying the closure, otherwise I would assume ACL was not exceeded and the fishery closed at the end of the year.