Sarjuuk / aowow

Database viewer for TrinityCore based on aowow by @LordJZ, based on the JS-Engine of Wowhead
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[ HELP ] - AoWoW Installation #387

Closed virgo77 closed 4 months ago

virgo77 commented 5 months ago

Hi Sarjuuk! How are you? Hope fine :) I need some help on how to install AoWoW on my home lab, and I can say that it seems not as simple and comfy as I would :(

About me: I'm a solo player and I installed on my own a little modded AzerothCore Server with some modules like 'PlayerBots', 'SkipDK', 'AHBot', 'SoloCraft', 'SoloLFG'. It's running fine and I'm really happy. Actually, I can do some searches on some WoWDB websites (EvoWoW / /etc.) but I wonder one day they will vanish. So, because I'm a little afraid of that, I want to install my own WoWDB

About AoWoW:

Next, I launched the script. I had 3 questions, asking me if I wanted to export optional datas (y), where the MPQ files are located (/home/aowow/GAME_DATAS/Data), and where to extract them (/home/aowow/aowow/setup/mpqdata) The script seems working fine but I think that the MPQ files in the 'Data' folder are not extracted. Only those in the locale folders (enGB/enUS/frFR): image

You can checked this attached log file if you have a bit of time.

If I take a look in my './setup/mpqdata' folder, I just have 3 folders: enGB, enUS, frFR and 3 sub-folders each: dbfilesclient, interface, sound. And that's all: image

I now have some questions:

Note that I found this very old topic. I don't know how it can help me today

Next, about SQL:

I stop here for now, but if you can give some help, I would be very happy :)

Thanks a lot


Sarjuuk commented 4 months ago

Hi, i hope this is still usefull to someone if not at least in posterity.

Judging by the log file all mpq archives where found and read, though i don't know why you have extraneous mpq files (are they part of the server mods?) But the process so far was correct.

is the script '' really usable? If not, how can I use correctly MPQExtractor, as I don't really understand the options, sorry :(

The extraction scripts have been causing trouble in the past, so i only refer to them as examples i dont really use bash or bat so i have no clue why they fail irregularly.

are the 'Data' folder's MPQ really extracted? How can I check this?

Your log says there is stuff missing, no idea why, as far as i can tell you did everything correct. for reference the extractec file count in frFR for me looks like this (but the numbers may vary slightly):

./DBFilesClient           : 246
./Interface/WORLDMAP      : 3481
./Interface/GLUES         : 1267
./Interface/Spellbook     : 36
./Interface/FrameXML      : 1
./Interface/WorldMap      : 1449
./sound                   : 20993

if I extract each 'Data' folder's MPQ files on my own, on Windows with MPQEditor, I get all of these folders:

You don't need everything from the archives just some interface stuff, the client database (dbc) and the sounds. the language neutral stuff will be folded into the locale dirs so seeing only enGB, enUS and frFR is correct. Though having both enUS and enGB is redundant.

Is it better to use a fresh separate SQL Database, or can I use the one dedicated to my AzerothCore Server?

I'm an amateur programmer and even though i try to be thorough i can't vouch for security so i wouldn't grant aowow full access to another database. Keep them separate, grant the aowow user READ access to your azerothcore world db and you are fine.