Sarjuuk / aowow

Database viewer for TrinityCore based on aowow by @LordJZ, based on the JS-Engine of Wowhead
198 stars 211 forks source link

Cannot sync aowow with world database #55

Closed BeLove closed 8 years ago

BeLove commented 8 years ago

Hi. Thanks for revival this project :) I tried to install "from the clean" and confused at the last step. My steps are: 1) Cloned repo 2) Successfully compiled MPQExtractor 3) Created sh script:

./MPQExtractor -e "DBFilesClient/*.*" -f -o out $1
./MPQExtractor -e "Interface/WorldMap/*.*" -f -o out $1
./MPQExtractor -e "Interface/FrameXML/GlobalStrings.lua" -f -o out $1
./MPQExtractor -e "Interface/TalentFrame/*.*" -f -o out $1
./MPQExtractor -e "Interface/Glues/Credits/*.*" -f -o out $1
./MPQExtractor -e "Interface/Icons/*.*" -f -o out $1
./MPQExtractor -e "Interface/Spellbook/*.*" -f -o out $1
./MPQExtractor -e "Interface/PaperDoll/*.*" -f -o out $1
./MPQExtractor -e "Interface/GLUES/CHARACTERCREATE/*.*" -f -o out $1
./MPQExtractor -e "Interface/Pictures/*.*" -f -o out $1
./MPQExtractor -e "Interface/PvPRankBadges/*.*" -f -o out $1
./MPQExtractor -e "Interface/FlavorImages/*.*" -f -o out $1
./MPQExtractor -e "Interface/Calendar/Holidays/*.*" -f -o out $1
./MPQExtractor -e "Interface/GLUES/LOADINGSCREENS/*.*" -f -o out $1

4) Moved this script to World of Warcraft/Data/ruRU directory (with MPQExtractor ofc) 5) Launched for next files in order:


5) Moved new "out" (443 mb) dir to setup/mpqdata/ruRU 6) Created new user "aowow" with full access to aowow db (and select to chars, world and auth) + imported db_structure.sql file to aowow db 7) $ chmod 777 cache static config 8) php aowow --firstrun Everything here is ok (setup db connections etc) and sync is ok.

But most tables are empty. Except few like aowow_itemenchantment (2,656 rows), aowow_quests_startend (11,797 rows) and some others (just 4-5 tables). I tried to run $ php aowow --sql But it doesn't help. (log is ok, seems everything is fine, but tables are empty)

php aowow --sql 07:31:56 begin generation of achievementcategory, achievementcriteria, glyphproperties, itemenchantmentcondition, itemextendedcost, itemlimitcategory, itemrandomproppoints, lock, mailtemplate, scalingstatdistribution, scalingstatvalues, spellfocusobject, spellrange, spellvariables, totemcategory, talents, classes, factions, factiontemplate, holidays, icons, itemrandomenchant, races, shapeshiftforms, skillline, emotes, itemenchantment, achievement, creature, currencies, events, objects, pet, quests, quests_startend, spell, spelldifficulty, taxi, titles, items, spawns, zones, itemset, item_stats, source

07:31:56 SqlGen::generate() - copying achievement_category.dbc into aowow_achievementcategory

07:31:56 reading MPQdata from setup/mpqdata/ to list for first time use... 07:31:56 done

07:31:56 - reading and merging data from setup/mpqdata/ruRU/DBFilesClient/Achievement_Category.dbc 07:31:56 [OK] - subscript 'achievementcategory' returned sucessfully 07:31:56 SqlGen::generate() - copying achievement_criteria.dbc into aowow_achievementcriteria 07:31:56 - reading and merging data from setup/mpqdata/ruRU/DBFilesClient/Achievement_Criteria.dbc 07:31:58 [OK] - subscript 'achievementcriteria' returned sucessfully 07:31:58 SqlGen::generate() - copying glyphproperties.dbc into aowow_glyphproperties 07:31:58 [OK] - subscript 'glyphproperties' returned sucessfully 07:31:58 SqlGen::generate() - copying spellitemenchantmentcondition.dbc into aowow_itemenchantmentcondition 07:31:58 - reading data from setup/mpqdata/ruRU/DBFilesClient/SpellItemEnchantmentCondition.dbc 07:31:58 [OK] - subscript 'itemenchantmentcondition' returned sucessfully 07:31:58 SqlGen::generate() - copying itemextendedcost.dbc into aowow_itemextendedcost 07:31:58 - reading data from setup/mpqdata/ruRU/DBFilesClient/ItemExtendedCost.dbc 07:31:59 [OK] - subscript 'itemextendedcost' returned sucessfully 07:31:59 SqlGen::generate() - copying itemlimitcategory.dbc into aowow_itemlimitcategory 07:31:59 - reading and merging data from setup/mpqdata/ruRU/DBFilesClient/ItemLimitCategory.dbc 07:31:59 [OK] - subscript 'itemlimitcategory' returned sucessfully 07:31:59 SqlGen::generate() - copying randproppoints.dbc into aowow_itemrandomproppoints 07:31:59 - reading data from setup/mpqdata/ruRU/DBFilesClient/RandPropPoints.dbc 07:31:59 [OK] - subscript 'itemrandomproppoints' returned sucessfully 07:31:59 SqlGen::generate() - copying lock.dbc into aowow_lock 07:31:59 [OK] - subscript 'lock' returned sucessfully 07:31:59 SqlGen::generate() - copying mailtemplate.dbc into aowow_mailtemplate 07:31:59 - reading and merging data from setup/mpqdata/ruRU/DBFilesClient/MailTemplate.dbc 07:31:59 [OK] - subscript 'mailtemplate' returned sucessfully 07:31:59 SqlGen::generate() - copying scalingstatdistribution.dbc into aowow_scalingstatdistribution 07:31:59 [OK] - subscript 'scalingstatdistribution' returned sucessfully 07:31:59 SqlGen::generate() - copying scalingstatvalues.dbc into aowow_scalingstatvalues 07:31:59 [OK] - subscript 'scalingstatvalues' returned sucessfully 07:31:59 SqlGen::generate() - copying spellfocusobject.dbc into aowow_spellfocusobject 07:31:59 - reading and merging data from setup/mpqdata/ruRU/DBFilesClient/SpellFocusObject.dbc 07:31:59 [OK] - subscript 'spellfocusobject' returned sucessfully 07:31:59 SqlGen::generate() - copying spellrange.dbc into aowow_spellrange 07:31:59 - reading and merging data from setup/mpqdata/ruRU/DBFilesClient/SpellRange.dbc 07:31:59 [OK] - subscript 'spellrange' returned sucessfully 07:31:59 SqlGen::generate() - copying spelldescriptionvariables.dbc into aowow_spellvariables 07:31:59 - reading data from setup/mpqdata/ruRU/DBFilesClient/SpellDescriptionVariables.dbc 07:31:59 [OK] - subscript 'spellvariables' returned sucessfully 07:31:59 SqlGen::generate() - copying totemcategory.dbc into aowow_totemcategory 07:31:59 - reading and merging data from setup/mpqdata/ruRU/DBFilesClient/TotemCategory.dbc 07:31:59 [OK] - subscript 'totemcategory' returned sucessfully 07:31:59 SqlGen::generate() - filling aowow_talents with data 07:31:59 [OK] - subscript 'talents' returned sucessfully 07:31:59 SqlGen::generate() - filling aowow_classes with data 07:31:59 - reading and merging data from setup/mpqdata/ruRU/DBFilesClient/Spell.dbc

Any ideas? Thanks!

BeLove commented 8 years ago

Ok after some magic database partially synchronized. But no icons and some tables are still empty. If it's ok - I can post link to db here.

BeLove commented 8 years ago

After few reinstallation now I have a mostly working db (except few issues), ticket can be closed. Probably for someone provided info in my first message can help in future.

Sarjuuk commented 8 years ago

Sorry for the delay. If you still have any problems, feel free to ask me.

Also, it would be nice if you could describe how you solved this error here. Maybe i can easily iron it out or at least anticipate it in the future.

BeLove commented 8 years ago

Actually I don't know, I just tried few times

$ php aowow --sql
$ php aowow --firstrun

And now db looks ok. But after that I found another issue - not all icons and images are extracted from MPQ files (e.g. for 43599 item). I tried to extract them from all MPQ files that I have found. And solution for me - take missing icons from another similar project - (only big icons, anothers sizes are different from which we need for AoWoW) and convert tiny and small icons with imagemagick (from big icons).