SartHak-0-Sach / EUREKA-an_AI-based_travel_planner_app

AI Travel Planner App — your smart travel assistant that helps you plan trips effortlessly using AI-powered recommendations! This React Native and Expo application is designed for Android, offering a seamless and modern travel planning experience with personalized itineraries, accommodations, and cost estimates all in one place.
MIT License
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Add file to the repository #1

Closed Brijeshthummar02 closed 2 weeks ago

Brijeshthummar02 commented 2 weeks ago

Issue Description: Would it be possible to add a file to the repository? Having this file in place would provide clear guidelines for new contributors on how to contribute effectively to the project, including steps for setting up the development environment, coding standards, and the process for submitting pull requests. This will help streamline the contribution process and encourage more participation.

Also assign me to the task i've my pr ready.

SartHak-0-Sach commented 2 weeks ago

Sure, would love to do that. Since you have your PR ready, who am I to go out of the way and do it myself, so consider it assigned😇👍🏻