SarthakJShetty / Weight

Probabilistic path planning for multi-robot systems. Published in CONNECCT 2021 & Elseiver 2021.
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Traversal of map coordinates refreshes during lawn-mower to weightage switch #1

Closed SarthakJShetty closed 4 years ago

SarthakJShetty commented 4 years ago

When the observer node is triggered (in the current model), the list_maximum_x_indices() & list_maximum_y_indices() are updated and the counter variable is reset to 0 to begin traversal from the initial coordinates. In the case of multi-robot systems, the two lists are shared and cause the coordinates to refresh for both UAVs. Need to decouple them for the two (or N) systems.

SarthakJShetty commented 4 years ago

Fixed this issue in latest push of code. Seperated variables for the two agents by introducing new arrays.