SarthakKeshari / CPP-Questions-and-Solutions

This repository aims to solve and create new problems from different spheres of coding. A path to help students to get access to solutions and discuss their doubts.
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😃🎉Call for Web Developers - Website Release🎈🥳 #419

Open SarthakKeshari opened 2 years ago

SarthakKeshari commented 2 years ago

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Originally posted by **SarthakKeshari** October 11, 2021 ## Hello team, 👋 ### From today we'll start our journey on one of the other tracks of this project, which is website creation #### Now coding and website building will go hand-in-hand Website will be featuring C++ questions and solutions, a proper C++ documentation(The best thing about this documentation would be that it will be very student friendly since it will aim to explain different topics of C++ in a casual *plus* technical way - **You also have a chance to contribute to it**) and many more features which can be added by you, by just coming up with an idea or a proposal. #### We are keeping all the ideas for the website open-ended. So, feel free to come up with an idea for the same. If you have any one of the skills you are good to go - - [x] HTML, CSS and Good knowledge of C++ - [x] Good knowledge of C++ #BeLearnerFriendly ### Important You may come up with your topic or sub-topic and write a clear description for it - (Do go through the website before creating an issue to check for the already addressed topics/sub-topics) Here is the template for contributors who wish to write in - 1) .html -> [HTML FILE TEMPLATE]( 2) .txt ->[TEXT FILE TEMPLATE]( #### Above mentioned template files can be found in "***Documentation***" folder of repository. File name should be Topic_Subtopic.txt or Topic_Subtopic.html #### For contributors opting for .txt are requested to visit .html too in order to get clear idea what content to write and how it will be diplayed on the webpage. ### Contribute by creating a new issue - "Add a topic/subtopic"