SarthakKeshari / calc_for_everything

This repository aims to provide Calculators for educational, professional, scientific, health and well-being and other purposes.
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Simplified Software Package Dependency Finder #533

Open WaterCubeGod opened 10 months ago

WaterCubeGod commented 10 months ago

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Simplified Software Package Dependency Finder

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It is used to process a package list (PL) and construct a dependency tree, ultimately saving that tree in JSON format.

Its approximate algorithm is as follows:

Input: package list PL Begin initial queue Q initial depNode root initial map noLoop for p in PL root.clidrenList.push(p) Q.push(root) While(Q is not empty) s = Q.pop() get package s record data from database use record data enrich s Intial list depList from record data for dep in depList get package dep meta data from database use semver rules clean the dep’s version if noLoop[] == 0 || noLoop[] == s.layer +1 s.clidrenList.push(dep) Q.push(dep) noLoop[] = s.layer +1 use LevelOrder save the tree to json End

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