Open smk78 opened 5 years ago
After further testing, it appears that both 4.2.2 and 5.0.2 mostly give ~same extracted parameters as the CCP13 CORFUNC (as noted above absolutely identical parameters are not expected). What has, however, been highlighted, is the much greater impact that the choice of high-Q extrapolation fitting range and background level can have on the shape of the 1D correlation function.
Parameter__________________________CCP13 CF__________4.2.2__________5.0.2
Average Long Period 76.00 74.07 74.1
Average Hard Block Thickness 13.95 12.56 12.6
Average Interface Thickness 2.00 0.00 0.0
Average Core Thickness 4.00 2.64 2.65
Local Hard Block Fraction 0.183 0.169 0.17
Polydispersity 0.223 0.330 0.331
Whilst I still regard the Interface & Core Thicknesses from the CCP13 CF as suspicious, the Interface Thickness from SasView needs investigation, as does the fairly significant discrepancy in the Polydispersity.
In CCP13 CF, the Polydispersity is computed as:
C Search for the first minimum.
DO i=2,numd-1
IF ((gamma1(i) .LT. gamma1(i-1)) .AND.
+ (gamma1(i) .LT. gamma1(i+1))) THEN
IF (gamma1(i) .LT. 0.) THEN
GOTO 2020
C Search for local maxm.
2020 DO i=minchannel,(numd-1)
IF ((gamma1(i) .GT. gamma1(i-1)) .AND.
+ (gamma1(i) .GT. gamma1(i+1))) THEN
IF (gamma1(i) .GT. 0.) THEN
GOTO 2030
C reslam(nframe,8)=Polydispersity
C (= gamma at first min / gamma at first max)
(Correct: that is not Python! :-) )
In SasView CF, gammamin is computed in the same way:
GammaMin = y[mins[0]] # The value at the first minimum
but gammamax is computed by a more convoluted procedure (but possibly more rigorous): Lines 175-237
❓ 🙉 that does not compute 😄 sensing there may be a corfunc paper in your future at this rate....
Aside: The Stribeck reference in the Correlation Function help docs/tutorial notes (Eqn 8.68) that:
GammaMin = - v / (1 - v)
where v is the hard block fraction (= hard block thickness / long period). So this could be used as an independent check on a value of gammamin determined by a different method.
❓ 🙉 that does not compute 😄 sensing there may be a corfunc paper in your future at this rate....
There might be in Elliot's...
Finally found the time to capture the things we have learnt over the last couple of weeks!
In respect of the 'ripples' in the IDF, user Yimin Mao notes:
I guess when the user subtracts too much 'flat baseline', the tail gets noisy--as it should be. Then the smoothing algorithm tries to produce a smooth curve using those subtracted data, and it contains a long-wavelength component (it really should be flat). This long wavelength component produces ripples after FT. Ruland has treated in detail the raw data corrections. The constant baseline was attributed to the density fluctuation associated with liquid-type compressibility. Its value was obtained by measuring the SAXS data in a relatively broad q-range, until seeing an increase of intensity at the high-q. The baseline was then extrapolated using ~q^-2 to q=0, and the intercept is the constant baseline. This is shown in Fig. 5a in the ref below. The I_FL term is actually slightly lower than the apparent flat baseline. Refs: W. Ruland. The evaluation of the small-angle scattering of lamellar two-phase systems by means of interface distribution functions. Colloid & Polymer Sci. 255, 417-427 (1977). Stribeck, N. & Ruland, W. Determination of the Interface Distribution Function of Lamellar Two-Phase Systems. J. Appl. Cryst. (1978) 11 535-539.
Stribeck also notes the limitations of the 'graphical' approach to extracting information from CFs and has proposed a more comprehensive - though mathematically indigestable - approach. Refs: Stribeck, N. X-Ray Scattering of Soft Matter, Springer. Berlin (2007), 138-161 & Stribeck, N. Analysis of scattering from polydisperse structure using Mellin convolution. J. Appl. Cryst. (2006) 39 237–243
Plan of action:
1) Compare behaviour FORTRAN code above against current calculation of polydispersity. Check it does the same thing. 2) Look closely at extract_parameters in sascalc.corfunc.corfunc_calculator.CorfuncCalculator c.f.
I'll see what I find!
Need to find out how to run CC13, the windows function has gone.
@smk78 Might be worth looking at this now there has been some changes.
Elliot Gilbert has been playing with Correlation Function analysis in SasView (in 4.x) in an attempt to understand what impact systematically varying aspects of the scattering data have on the derived correlation function and, more importantly, the extracted parameters that quantify the underlying lamellar morphology.
When @rprospero's corfunc-py code was assimilated into SasView I did test it against the old CCP13 code. I have done so again using the BSL \convertible_files\Z83000 & Z98000 and their regular \1d_data\ISIS_83404 & ISIS_98929 equivalents and, whilst the extrapolations and transforms compare pretty favourably, they are not identical. But then I would not expect them to actually be identical since the two implementations are not using identical code/libraries.
However, there is indeed some variation in the extracted parameters (in the following SV=SasView & CF=CCP13 CORFUNC). Testing the Z98000/ISIS_98929 data we have:
Background values of 0.3085 (SV) vs 0.3095 (CF) - not too bad at all. Hard block thickness is 17.1 (SV) vs 13.9 (CF) – close enough?
But then:
Long period is 31.6 (SV) vs 76 (CF) – I think here the SV extract algorithm has picked on a little hump in the base of the big minima in Gamma1(x), not present in the CF transform, rather than the big peak/hump around 70-80. In essence the code needs to look for a change in slope and in the SV case it's been misled. Interface thickness is 4.6 (SV) vs 2.0 (CF) Core thickness is 9.7 (SV) vs 4.0 (CF) *But I regard the fact that these are 2.000000000000 and 4.00000000000 as deeply suspicious!!! Local crystallinity is 0.54 (SV) vs 0.18 (CF) – but since this is calculated as hardblock thickness/long period it is bound to be different.
A lot of this will be down to the subtleties of the differences in the actual shapes of the 1D CF because of the way the way the lamellar morphology parameters are extracted. But we should satisfy ourselves that the code is doing what we expect.