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Splash and Icon for 6.0.0 #2878

Open lucas-wilkins opened 2 months ago

lucas-wilkins commented 2 months ago

Here's the splash screen and icon I've made for 6.0.0


Icon will appear a little big here, its supposed to be small, hence the simplicity


smk78 commented 2 months ago

Quite like the splash screen, but feel it lacks a 'scattering' element? Perhaps something like a beam scattering off one of the rhombohedra?

That was the original plan, couldn't make a version where it looked good. I think for a splash screen simpler is better anyway.

How will the icon appear when an icon? Will it be a white square with that inside?

It's on a transparent background.

lucas-wilkins commented 2 months ago

@smk78 that was meant to be a quote reply, must have mis-clicked on edit.

wpotrzebowski commented 1 month ago

Alternative ideas for splash screen. These are mock-ups (not final graphics) to be discussed at the developers call.

The first one follows the concept of previous splash screens (4.x and 5.x) SasViewSplash

The second one is a completely different idea with minimalism being main driving force sasview_splash

lucas-wilkins commented 1 month ago

The second one's OK, the first inherits all the problems of the previous ones.

krzywon commented 1 month ago

Here is a quick mock-up of an icon based off the minimalist splash screen by @wpotrzebowski. This also incorporates some of the color palatte of the existing icon.


lucas-wilkins commented 1 month ago

That's really not going to work well on most task bars. Needs to not be dark grey.

lucas-wilkins commented 1 month ago

I get that everyone hates my design ideas, but I did think quite a lot about what the requirements should be. If you look at other icons on your task bar, you'll see they nearly all have a small number of reasonably bold colours, and the ones that don't are hard to "read".

wpotrzebowski commented 1 month ago

To follow up splash screen and icons here are few ideas.

Movie with splash screen

And few icon designs icon3 icon4 icon5

And this how the icons look at Mac

Screenshot 2024-05-29 at 22 04 21 Screenshot 2024-05-31 at 08 02 23

I am aware that on Windows taskbar is darker and therefore will try with lighter colors. My plan is to create PR with new splash screen and icon, so we can see them in action.

On related note, it would nice to add a progress bar or some indication that something happens on splash screen.

lucas-wilkins commented 1 month ago

Here's some thoughts, big blocks of colour, high contrast, no thin lines. I wouldn't replace the line art with solid in splash screen, instead just make them match, would probably be pretty trivial with the last one here.

render1 render2 render3

lucas-wilkins commented 1 month ago

My only concern with the last one is that there is no hue variation. Things look "smarter" with a single hue, but it then locks down the possibilities for colour choices further down the line. Same issue with the splash.

lucas-wilkins commented 1 month ago

@wpotrzebowski ^^

lucas-wilkins commented 1 month ago

@wpotrzebowski How about this... go with the the top, more complex of splash screens, but use the font from the other one instead of the nasty monospace one and put the the text in the top left. Use the one of green/blue icons above, as they pick up some of the same colours.

krzywon commented 1 month ago

@lucas-wilkins, I think these are the best so far. I think the first one would be best from an icon point of view, but the last one would retain an element of the gray ball we currently have.

lucas-wilkins commented 1 month ago

@krzywon I feel the green is very windows XP. Might try some more blue/purple variants

lucas-wilkins commented 1 month ago

"Flattened" version, a bit more modern graphically.


lucas-wilkins commented 1 month ago

needs a bit of colour balancing still though.

lucas-wilkins commented 1 month ago


smk78 commented 1 month ago

Personally I like the two-shades-of-blue variant (might be football related :-) ) but I could be persuaded by this last one above...

krzywon commented 1 month ago

My only concern with the blue icons are the similarities, especially in color scheme, to certain web browser icons.

lucas-wilkins commented 1 month ago

I wouldn't have gone with a blue based colour scheme, its hard to make it distinctive, and much less to work with than other colours, but I was told blue was important.

lucas-wilkins commented 1 month ago

Subtly different...


krzywon commented 1 month ago

I think the your latest one is best.

wpotrzebowski commented 1 month ago

I also like the latest and it looks ok on the Mac toolbar. Would it also work with inverse colors (gray outside, blue inside)?

butlerpd commented 4 weeks ago

Agreed to leave splashscreen as last shown but with slight change in the blue of the "icon" to be finalized at next meeting. And Icon will be changed to the last one above.

wpotrzebowski commented 3 weeks ago

@lucas-wilkins for me this looks ok. Do you think we should still go with vector graphics for the splash screen? splash_screen_med_lucas_icon

lucas-wilkins commented 3 weeks ago

@lucas-wilkins for me this looks ok. Do you think we should still go with vector graphics for the splash screen?

@wpotrzebowski Looks better than I thought it would. I'm happy if you are.

I noticed you changed the background gradient to linear from radial, I think the original one looked better.

wpotrzebowski commented 3 weeks ago

@lucas-wilkins thanks for spotting the issue with the background. I think I will submit PR with this one. splash_screen_med_lucas_icon