Sasafrass / straattaal

Use an RNN to generate Dutch slang and interpret your newly created words!
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Recreate migration directory from scratch using render_as_batch=True #71

Open annaproxy opened 3 years ago

annaproxy commented 3 years ago

Recreate migration directory from scratch using render_as_batch=True.

All migrations are squeezed into one single migration. Probably shouldn't make a difference to flask db upgrade this if your current backend already worked.

(Oh, I also played with the ORM join thing to print the model name on the users/ page with a model type per saved word.)

Sasafrass commented 3 years ago

Did this end up fixing the thing? I recall that it ultimately didn't work

annaproxy commented 3 years ago

It yeets the old .db files which did the trick for me, I don't know if there are disadvantages when using postgres if you set render_as_batch to True all the time.