SaschaDittmann / Xamarin.NotificationHub

Apache License 2.0
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How does it compare to Azure Messaging Xamarin component? #8

Closed andreinitescu closed 9 years ago

andreinitescu commented 9 years ago

I wonder how does it compare to Azure Messaging Xamarin component

One thing I noticed, the component doesn't use async methods Other than that, I don't know which one to use. The examples in the documentation from Azure website talks about using Xamarin.NotificationHub.

SaschaDittmann commented 9 years ago

Thank you for your idea! I'm going to add async/await support soon.

andreinitescu commented 9 years ago

The existing Xamarin component (Azure Messaging) doesn't expose async methods, not yours :)

SaschaDittmann commented 9 years ago

Haven't had a look into my codebase for a while... But I have that on my todo list for the upcoming weeks. I thought it's too old to support support async/await, but it seems that it isn't. ;-)

SaschaDittmann commented 9 years ago

Over a year ago, when I created this project, Xamarin had no own component for any Azure Service Bus feature. So I created this one for the NotificationHubs. I tried to submit it a couple of times to their component store, but Xamarin rejected it. So I gave up. It seems that they published their own component in the meantime. Since Xamarin supports NuGet, you can get this one here:

andreinitescu commented 9 years ago

interesting, what was the reason for being rejected?

beside not having async methods, their component also does not seem to be open-source, or at least I haven't found it... so 2nd reason why your solution might be a better option

in the same time, Microsoft has their own Notification Hub client library for Windows clients. They should make it a PCL and \ or open source it.

SaschaDittmann commented 9 years ago

Nearly all of the Azure teams put their libraries on GitHub. I hope the Service Bus team will join some day. But at least, they gave me a hint (over a year ago), how to start with this one.

SaschaDittmann commented 9 years ago

Xamarin rejected it a few times with always a new reason. Most of them where caused, due to a lack of understanding what NotificationHubs are and how to use them. To solve this, I updated the samples and docs a couple of times.