And if it DOES work with any WiFi bulbs, you might want to look into developing this thing further and charging for it.
Seriously, the only other way I know to sync lights is using Zigbee lights. Which, Hue now has a strangle hold on because finding non Hue Zigbee lights is getting harder and harder.
--And Hue is stupidly expensive.
If you're interested in dev this thing further I suggest looking into the program on Github called LightBeat. It's a free program to sync ANY brand of Zigbee lights that are connected to a Hue hub to music. (And you can put any Zigbee lights on a Hue Hub).
If you want to go into the amazing WOW GUI factor, theres HueDynamic on Windows. The music sync option is in the Music note icon.
You could potentially make bank by doing this. There are SO many WiFi color bulb brands out there now days.
So, more of a question then an issue really. :-)
And if it DOES work with any WiFi bulbs, you might want to look into developing this thing further and charging for it.
Seriously, the only other way I know to sync lights is using Zigbee lights. Which, Hue now has a strangle hold on because finding non Hue Zigbee lights is getting harder and harder.
--And Hue is stupidly expensive.
If you're interested in dev this thing further I suggest looking into the program on Github called LightBeat. It's a free program to sync ANY brand of Zigbee lights that are connected to a Hue hub to music. (And you can put any Zigbee lights on a Hue Hub).
If you want to go into the amazing WOW GUI factor, theres HueDynamic on Windows. The music sync option is in the Music note icon.
You could potentially make bank by doing this. There are SO many WiFi color bulb brands out there now days.