As aUser
I want to be able to scan a product using my device's camera
so that view detailed information about the product on a separate page, with the option to return to the scanner screen. If the product is not found, a message should be displayed on the scanner screen.
Acceptance Criteria
[ ] The scanned product's information is displayed on a separate page
[ ] The details page includes a button or link that allows users to return to the scanner screen
[ ] If a product is not found, a message is displayed on the scanner screen
[ ] The functionality is tested and works on various devices
[ ] fetch the openfoodfacts API product database that can be queried when a product is scanned
[ ] Implement a details page that displays information about the product
[ ] Add a button or link on the details page that allows users to return to the scanner screen
[ ] Handle the case where a product is not found and display a message on the scanner screen
Value Proposition
As aUser I want to be able to scan a product using my device's camera so that view detailed information about the product on a separate page, with the option to return to the scanner screen. If the product is not found, a message should be displayed on the scanner screen.
Acceptance Criteria
[ ] The scanned product's information is displayed on a separate page
[ ] The details page includes a button or link that allows users to return to the scanner screen
[ ] If a product is not found, a message is displayed on the scanner screen
[ ] The functionality is tested and works on various devices
[ ] fetch the openfoodfacts API product database that can be queried when a product is scanned
[ ] Implement a details page that displays information about the product
[ ] Add a button or link on the details page that allows users to return to the scanner screen
[ ] Handle the case where a product is not found and display a message on the scanner screen
[ ] Test the functionality on various devices
... (T-Shirt Sizes XS to XL)