SaschaRadojkovic / capstone-project
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Basic Styling #16

Open SaschaRadojkovic opened 1 year ago

SaschaRadojkovic commented 1 year ago

Value Proposition

As a User I want to have a consistent feeling in the application by having a styling so that the interface is visually appealing and easy to navigate. ​


Bildschirmfoto 2023-02-02 um 07 57 38

Acceptance Criteria

-[ ] The header component should be consistent throughout the application -[ ] The font style and size should be consistent throughout the application. -[ ] The color palette should be visually appealing and match the brand guidelines. -[ ] All buttons, icons, and other UI elements should have a consistent look and feel. -[ ] The layout of the application should be easy to understand and navigate. -[ ] add credits to the picture artist Lukas Blazek auf Unsplash


-[ ] Create a header component and apply it to the _app.js -[ ] Define the font style and size to be used in the application. -[ ] Choose a color palette that matches the brand guidelines and is visually appealing. -[ ] Design and implement the styles for all buttons, icons, and other UI elements. -[ ] Review the layout of the application and make any necessary adjustments to improve navigation. -[ ] Test the application to ensure that the styling is consistent and meets the acceptance criteria.

​## Complexity

(T-Shirt Sizes XL )

Long-HaHoang commented 1 year ago

Hi Sascha,

Can you remove the ... from your complexity.

You also have empty code blocks.

There is typo in so that section. You have i instead of I capital letter.

Can you also add more description.

There is no point to create a user story if you don't know the general look, yet. You can try styling outside of an user story and later create one a more precise description about what you want to do.

I'm mean if you remove all styling you get a consistent look and feel, too. (Late 90` early 2000)

Try using excalidraw or figma to get an overall layout. By then, you should be able give an more concise complexity, too.

SaschaRadojkovic commented 1 year ago

hi Long , thanks for your advice. I don't know why I have empty code blocks here because in the edit mode there is nothing to see , maybe you know what that could be . Bildschirmfoto 2023-01-29 um 13 14 51 I understand what you are saying about the styling and the real workflow ( i have made some tests in figma and excalidraw )in the business world i would of course not do it like that . But in fact it is my own project somehow and I thought i have the freedom even to do things a little bit different than later. I have a general idea about the look of my app but I would have the possibility to change that on the fly without having problems with not matching the user story. But i think you are right and it is not best practice. Thank you for taking your time and reviewing my code and user storys . I am not shure how i will change this user story. So it will stay for now unchecked ;)

Long-HaHoang commented 1 year ago

Yeah, you always come back to this story if have the styling idea. I found it kind of an odd story because it's looks so empty 🤣

I guess it's the empty lines below your ##Acceptance Criteria and ##Tasks. I think Github sees those big empty spaces as code blocks.

SaschaRadojkovic commented 1 year ago

Yeah, you always come back to this story if have the styling idea. I found it kind of an odd story because it's looks so empty 🤣

I guess it's the empty lines below your ##Acceptance Criteria and ##Tasks. I think Github sees those big empty spaces as code blocks. yes it is the empty line below the task and criteria

Long-HaHoang commented 1 year ago

Looks simple enough. Just one more thing. You could darken or blur the background to heighten the contrast between the background and user interface elements. As for the green. It's a design choice but the colors red and green are difficult for someone with red-green color blindness

Long-HaHoang commented 1 year ago

-[ ] add credits to the picture artist Lukas Blazek auf Unsplash

There is a mix-up between English and German. auf instead of on