SaschaUvA / Accessible-ePubs-Thesis-Sascha-Kolthof

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Weekly Update - Week 20 #7

Open SaschaUvA opened 3 months ago

SaschaUvA commented 3 months ago

Hi @yixianUvA, Apologies for any delays in the weekly update this time.

Done: This week, work continued on fleshing out the sections up until the Methodology. The core ideas are now in place in these section, but not all of these ideas have been fully written out in detail. I presume this is okay as a pre-draft version.

Next week: Next week, focus will shift to putting in the preliminary results, which are looking promising. This week, the results be carefully reviewed and I will look into how they can be visualised and communicated in a way that is useful and clear for the reader, while being in-line with the thesis' goals.


yixianUvA commented 3 months ago

Hi Sascha, Thank you for your update. Great to hear that the sections up to the Methodology are now fleshed out and that the core ideas are in place. It's perfectly fine for these ideas to be in a pre-draft version at this stage. Focusing on the preliminary results next week sounds like a solid plan. Make sure to carefully review the results and consider effective ways to visualize and communicate them, ensuring clarity and alignment with the thesis goals. Regarding the error reductions you've achieved, the results look impressive: total error reduction is roughly 83%, with missing pagebreak errors reduced by 93.9%, broken pagelist errors eliminated, and link in text block errors reduced by 97.5%.
Keep up the good work, and I look forward to seeing how you present these findings in your thesis.