I have a 64x bit system, but the compiler says I can support _WIN32. The question is, this may somehow affect the performance of the program, because after studying some part of the code, I realized that support for several platforms is taken into account here (this is very cool) and some functions, methods, etc. are replaced accordingly. For example, the Instance creation function: `// Enable surface extensions depending on os
I understood that initially the VK_KHR_SURFACE_EXTENSION_NAME extension goes into the vector, which is 64x, and after that if _WIN32, then it goes too. As far as I understand, the fact that _WIN32 on 64x has a value of 1 means in VulkanSwapChain. I am interested in this code from VulkanSwapChain.cpp:`
// Create the os-specific surface
er = vkCreateWin32SurfaceKHR(instance, &surface Create Info, null ptr, &surface); - not how it will affect system performance, since we define surface with Win32? In addition to _WIN32, there is also _WIN64, for which Vulkan does not have prefixes, they say, vkCreateWin64SurfaceKHR, but there is no vkCreateSurfaceKHR. As I understand it, the creation of swapchain took into account the fact that _WIN32 has a value of 1 at 64x and therefore there is a definition for initsurface only for _WIN32 to reduce the code, but I ask, will this not affect performance in any way? I just started implementing my project using the reverse engineering methodology and immediately fell into it)))
Also, VK_KHR_WIN32_SURFACE_EXTENSION_NAME compiler complains that it is undefined, although I tried to do so:
`#if defined(_WIN32)
I have a 64x bit system, but the compiler says I can support _WIN32. The question is, this may somehow affect the performance of the program, because after studying some part of the code, I realized that support for several platforms is taken into account here (this is very cool) and some functions, methods, etc. are replaced accordingly. For example, the Instance creation function: `// Enable surface extensions depending on os
if defined(_WIN32)
I understood that initially the VK_KHR_SURFACE_EXTENSION_NAME extension goes into the vector, which is 64x, and after that if _WIN32, then it goes too. As far as I understand, the fact that _WIN32 on 64x has a value of 1 means in VulkanSwapChain. I am interested in this code from VulkanSwapChain.cpp:` // Create the os-specific surface
er = vkCreateWin32SurfaceKHR(instance, &surface Create Info, null ptr, &surface);
- not how it will affect system performance, since we define surface with Win32? In addition to _WIN32, there is also _WIN64, for which Vulkan does not have prefixes, they say, vkCreateWin64SurfaceKHR, but there is no vkCreateSurfaceKHR. As I understand it, the creation of swapchain took into account the fact that _WIN32 has a value of 1 at 64x and therefore there is a definition for initsurface only for _WIN32 to reduce the code, but I ask, will this not affect performance in any way? I just started implementing my project using the reverse engineering methodology and immediately fell into it))) Also, VK_KHR_WIN32_SURFACE_EXTENSION_NAME compiler complains that it is undefined, although I tried to do so: `#if defined(_WIN32) instanceExtensions.push_back(VK_KHR_WIN32_SURFACE_EXTENSION_NAME);endif`