Saskia-Oosterbroek / decona

fastq to polished sequenses: pipeline suitable for mixed samples and long (Nanopore) reads
MIT License
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Install issues -Conda 4.13.0 #42

Open SJHelyar opened 2 years ago

SJHelyar commented 2 years ago

Hi Saskia, sorry I know there have been qs along these lines already, but I've tried the solutions posted (moving the bin files?) - and it isn't working :( So decona seemed to download and install fine ~/anaconda3$ conda env create -f /home/sarah/anaconda3/decona/install/decona.yml and then /anaconda3/envs/decona/bin$ ls gives a list of all the files as expected? but I'm getting the same message as others when in the decona env, eg conda -h ... and i get a list of commands decona -h ... and i get decona: command not found.

eg of trying to run example data (decona) sarah@BIO-147768:/mnt/c/data/trout_decona/example_data$ decona -q 10 -c 0.80 -n 100 -M decona: command not found

Sorry, am a little rusty with linux, its probably something really simple, but have no idea how to solve this one...

thanks in advance sarah