SassConf / 2015-austin-speaker-cfp

SassConf 2015 Conference public call for papers.
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Don't Speak in Code: Clear + Kind Communication Skills #39

Open allypalanzi opened 9 years ago

allypalanzi commented 9 years ago

Don't Speak in Code: Clear + Kind Communication Skills

Type of Presentation

Lightning Talk or Full Length Talk


In a world where we're so used to interacting with other humans shielded behind our screens, sometimes it's important to take a step back and realize that we are communicating with human beings who have feelings. We often dismiss this from time to time when tweeting, submitting issues to repositories, and submitting pull requests. Though it's not always intentional, as members of a community or workplace it is our responsibility to uphold a certain standard of empathy and understanding. Creating a welcoming and inclusive environment is important in order to foster diversity of people and skillsets which in turn creates stronger products and communities.

Thorough, thoughtful critique is extremely valuable, but what ends up happening more-so than not, is hurtful, empty, commentary.

In this talk, I'll discuss:

Ally Palanzi is a front-end engineer making internet things at Vox Media; publisher of Vox, Polygon, The Verge, SB Nation, Eater, Racked, and Curbed.

She is an active member of the DC design and tech community where she co-organizes the Sassy DC Meetup and advocates for DC Fem Tech.


Ally Palanzi

scottkellum commented 9 years ago

If this is like the talk you and Alisha gave at work, then :+1: so awesome and much needed.

allypalanzi commented 9 years ago

Yup! Going to be kind of similar to that talk.

chriseppstein commented 9 years ago

This sounds like a great talk. I worry it will be hard to give it in lightning talk format. There's a lot to cover!

allypalanzi commented 9 years ago

@chriseppstein i gave a similar one previously that was a lightening talk – but i could probably push it to be longer. i am just a n00b speaker and kinda scared :see_no_evil:

scottkellum commented 9 years ago

@allypalanzi Everyone will have a mentor to check in and help guide you through prep where you need anything. It’s gonna be ok.