SassDoc / generator-sassdoc-theme

Yeoman generator that scaffolds out a SassDoc theme.
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Asset Files limited? #25

Open timschoch opened 8 years ago

timschoch commented 8 years ago


I have this wierd behaviour, that when I add more then 16 files, the gulp compile task fails. This is my current structure:




I've setup the theme with your generator v2.14.7 and have not modified the gulp file other then added force to the sassdoc task. Now when I run gulp compile it creates the test project no worries. But when I add one more file (empty or not, no difference in what type of file) the gulp task just stalls out after » Foldertestproject\sassdocsuccessfully refreshed. without an error and I have to Terminate batch job (Y/N)?

So in order to add more files, I have to remove another one (eg normalize.css) - maybe this is intended to keep our themes tidy ;)

More Infos:

KittyGiraudel commented 8 years ago

Super weird. @pascalduez?

timschoch commented 8 years ago

I've debugged it a bit and found out that it doesn't allways fail on the same part of the script. One of the last functions that gets executed properly (and I could reproduce) is listOnTimeout in timers.js. After the marked line, the script stalls most of the time. debug

But I did get past that once or twice and it seemed that Node got lost in an loop here. From Line 348 it would immediatly loop back to 339 (inside node.js) and do this over and over and over and over ... untitled-3

... until finaly this would happend: untitled-2

Does this help?

pascalduez commented 8 years ago

Quick reply, I don't have time right now to deeply look into this.

You mention the compile task which is responsible for generating a preview of you current theme. It only accept SCSS files, nothing else. So adding one or more CSS or JS file have not impact whatsoever.

You have to configure the paths, and feed it with a proper SCSS (with SassDoc comments) folder. I would investigate this track. Looks like there's a mess with folders and you give it the current theme folder. That's why you used the force option maybe (careful with it). If you delete a folder being currently watched Gulp won't like it.

timschoch commented 8 years ago

The Theme is working fine and we're using it already. I wanted to extend it with some JS fairy dust ( and it fails if we add more files to the assets folder. With less then 16 it compiles perfectly.

pascalduez commented 8 years ago

Holy molly, so that's not even a Gulp thing, but more related to the assets copying functions from the theme ? We will investigate.

Is this theme available online by any chance ?

timschoch commented 8 years ago

Hi @pascalduez The theme will be so specific to our internal framework that we decided to not publish it. But I'll send it to you via mail.

pascalduez commented 8 years ago

Thanks @timschoch it will be helpful for replicating the issue, we keep you posted.