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Docs showing only the last documented mixin on page with more that one mixins #483

Closed vladyn closed 7 years ago

vladyn commented 7 years ago

Hello there, first to say - you did great doc tool ! Really! I have question (or issue) where i created two mixins in one file (and I'm about to keep all in one file), but after the docs has been generated - I've got only the last mixing form the file :

/// Mixins.
/// @group Ungrouped 
/// @author CSI team
/// Breakpoints
/// This mixin gives you ability to include it in a css selector and make it behave different on triggered     screen sizes.
/// @arg $point {type} String
/// @param {String} $medium: ['(max-width: 1024px) and (min-width: 769px)'] - Screen size < 1024
/// @param {String} $xlarge: ['(min-width: 1441px)'] - above 1440
/// @param {String} $large-desktop-break: ['(max-width: 1280)'] - below 1280
/// @param @content - passes the css rules you want to use in give screen resolution
/// @example scss 
/// .selector {
///     background-color: yellow;
///     @include breakpoint(medium) { background-color: red; }
/// }
/// // everrything above 1024 will have bg yellow and under - red;
/// @group Mixins
/// @author varbavl

@mixin breakpoint($point) {
    @if $point == small {
        @media (max-width: 1024px) and (min-width: 769px) { 

/// Mixin for adjusting the font-size
/// @param {size} $size [10%] - size for font size adjusting. Could be negative as well as any valid unit.
/// @example scss
/// selector {
///     @include font-size(-25%);
/// }
/// @group ...
/// @author vv
@mixin font-size($size: 10%) {
   font-size: calc(100% + #{$size});

Con somebody tell me what I'm doing wrong ?

KittyGiraudel commented 7 years ago


I believe your problem lies on the fact that you are mixing file-annotations with single ones. IT should probably be:

/// Mixins.
/// @group Ungrouped 
/// @author CSI team

/// Breakpoints
/// This mixin gives you ability to include it in a css selector and make it behave different on triggered     screen sizes.
/// @arg $point {type} String
/// @param {String} $medium: ['(max-width: 1024px) and (min-width: 769px)'] - Screen size < 1024
/// @param {String} $xlarge: ['(min-width: 1441px)'] - above 1440
/// @param {String} $large-desktop-break: ['(max-width: 1280)'] - below 1280
/// @param @content - passes the css rules you want to use in give screen resolution
/// @example scss 
/// .selector {
///     background-color: yellow;
///     @include breakpoint(medium) { background-color: red; }
/// }
/// // everrything above 1024 will have bg yellow and under - red;
/// @group Mixins
/// @author varbavl
@mixin breakpoint($point) {
    @if $point == small {
        @media (max-width: 1024px) and (min-width: 769px) { 

/// Mixin for adjusting the font-size
/// @param {size} $size [10%] - size for font size adjusting. Could be negative as well as any valid unit.
/// @example scss
/// selector {
///     @include font-size(-25%);
/// }
/// @group ...
/// @author vv
@mixin font-size($size: 10%) {
   font-size: calc(100% + #{$size});
vladyn commented 7 years ago

but the code you posted produces same result. Which are file annotations and which are single ones? Even if I remove the top annotations - I ending with same result.

KittyGiraudel commented 7 years ago

Please paste my code in and check the output JSON structure. It contains 2 items.

vladyn commented 7 years ago

Yes, indeed. It's weird that pasted in the scss file it;s still generates documentation only for the last mixing

vladyn commented 7 years ago

Oh - I've put wrong Group. Yes it is fine now. Many thanks for the support. You can close this now.