SassNinja / postcss-extract-media-query

PostCSS plugin to extract all media query from CSS and emit as separate files.
MIT License
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File naming gets confused if source file names have more than one dot in them #8

Closed jono-hayward closed 5 years ago

jono-hayward commented 5 years ago

I've found that if my input files have more than one dot, the output file name is mixed up.

This is my config:

  output: {
    path: './theme/assets/',
    name: '[name]--[query].[ext]',
  queries: {
    'prefers-reduced-motion: reduce': 'nomotion',
    'all and (-ms-high-contrast: none), (-ms-high-contrast: active)': 'ie'
  whitelist: true

If either of those queries are triggered on the file _components.order-form.css, the resulting file name is _components--ie.order-form (notice the file extension is missing). The output I'm expecting here would be _components.order-form--ie.css.

SassNinja commented 5 years ago

Hi @jono-hayward

thanks for the bug report!

Seems my filename regex doesn't consider multiple dots but expects [name without dots].[ext]

I'll fix this when I've got some time.