Satakshijain / CodingHustlers

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Major UI Changes #138

Open vverma022 opened 1 month ago

vverma022 commented 1 month ago

Update Fonts: Objective: Improve readability and aesthetic appeal by updating the fonts used across the application. Tasks: Identify and select new fonts that align with our brand guidelines and enhance readability. Apply the selected fonts to all relevant UI elements, including headings, paragraphs, buttons, and navigation menus. Ensure font sizes, weights, and styles are consistent and visually appealing across different screen sizes and devices.

Add Smooth Scrolling: Objective: Enhance the user experience by implementing smooth scrolling for a more seamless navigation experience. Tasks: Integrate smooth scrolling for all anchor links and page navigation actions. Ensure smooth scrolling is functional and consistent across different browsers and devices. Test the smooth scrolling implementation for performance and responsiveness, making adjustments as necessary to avoid any lag or jarring effects.