Satakshijain / CodingHustlers

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Better UI #49

Open dishathakurata opened 1 month ago

dishathakurata commented 1 month ago

Hey @Satakshijain , Assign me to enhance your webpage design.

Changes I think would look better:

  1. Adding header with your project name and a logo
  2. Making responsive UI
  3. Better font
  4. Better text and image alignment
  5. Better UI on al your web pages
  6. Neat and clean elements

I can also write good for your project.

Assign these issues to me under GSSoC '24.

FatemaBaig commented 1 month ago

This designing part ,i would like to work on those things. Please assign it to me.

Paavni-Goyal commented 1 month ago

Hey, I would like to work on the same. Can you please assign this to me.

Suruchibharti commented 1 month ago

hii @Satakshijain , I'm GSSoC'24 contributor , I have experienced on HTML, CSS, JS, and react.js , so I want to work on this issue, so, kindly requested to you to assign me the task.