Satakshijain / CodingHustlers

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Correct Typo in basic.html #66

Open SaiTejaswaniBikkasani opened 1 month ago

SaiTejaswaniBikkasani commented 1 month ago

Hey @Satakshijain, In the div tag of the basic.html file, there is a typo where "competitative" is used instead of "competitive." This typo affects the correctness of the content and should be corrected for clarity and accuracy. Please assign the label and assign this work to me under GSSOC'24. Thank you!!

Paavni-Goyal commented 1 month ago

Hey, I would like to work on the same. Can you please assign this to me.

Suruchibharti commented 1 month ago

hii! @Satakshijain , I'm GSSoC'24 contributor, I want to work on the issue, so kindly requested to you to assign me the task.

Aryakhot commented 1 month ago

hii! @Satakshijain , I am a GSSoC'24 Contributer, can you please assign me this issue?

sanchitkhthpalia commented 1 month ago

Please assign this work to me under GSSOC'24.