Satakshijain / CodingHustlers

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Enhancing the whole UI of the page+ Responsiveness #94

Open PriyamvadaShah opened 1 month ago

PriyamvadaShah commented 1 month ago

I can work on enhancing the UI of the page to make it look aesthetic and use-friendly.

  1. Create a logo and a background image that suits well with the theme of the website promoting branding.
  2. Changing the font-style. A font-style that seems more easy to read, serious and with hover effects wherever needed will enhance the user experience.
  3. The sections of programming, CP, fellowships can be better aligned and filled with great hover effects to improve the overall effect.
  4. The creator name and contacts can be aligned in the center with a headline and moore socal media handles.
  5. The footer section can be more detailed, with better aesthetic.
  6. Lastly, we can change the cursor into a plus sign or a circle that is transpatent on hovering over elements for the whole page.
  7. Also responsiveness needs to be worked upon. Shall I start working on all of this and more as can be suggested by you? Through GSSoC'24. Regards.
anshdeep0504 commented 1 month ago

Hey, allow me to work on this under GSSOC' 2024