SatelliteQE / airgun

AirGun is a Python library that is built over Widgetastic and navmazing to make Satellite 6 UI testing easier.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Use Pf4ConfirmationDialog widget to delete airgun entities #651

Open jameerpathan111 opened 2 years ago

jameerpathan111 commented 2 years ago

Fix existing Airgun code for entities which use new confirmation dialog(Pf4ConfirmationDialog) based on PF4, which is used for deleting entities. See and for more info.

List of UI entities using new confirmation dialog.

mshriver commented 2 years ago

I've engaged with the UXD team (@Ron-Lavi) and @latran about this PF4 confirmation dialog (which is actually a modal).

This should be addressed not individually on entity views, but within the get_alert browser method defined in wt.core.

Either UXD team will modify the modal component to be recognized as a JS alert, or we'll override the core widgetastic browser method so that it can find the the modal when looking for alerts.

mshriver commented 2 years ago

Following discussion with UX, they're not going to be able to 'spoof' the browser alert for the new confirmation dialog modals.

This means we need to address this by implementing a custom Brower.get_alert function that can identify not only JS alerts, but confirmation modals.

AirgunBrowser.get_alert should be implemented, in order to override the functionality of Browser.get_alert in the base class.

get_alert is the basis for several other functions within the browser, and the overridden method should be compatible with them, returning an element that dismiss, send_keys, accept, and text can be called against.

This will restore the behavior of handle_alert kwargs and browser functions, and our direct calls to view.dialog can be replaced with browser.handle_alert() calls.