SatelliteQE / satellite6-upgrade

Satellite 6 upgrade related tools
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Jenkins project to test upgrading using ISOs #242

Open swadeley opened 5 years ago

swadeley commented 5 years ago

We need an automated or semi-automated way to test upgrading using ISOs. For example:

1] A Jenkins project page enables you to provide paths to ISOs for RHEL Server and Satellite or Capsule. I think we will need two for each, one set for the base versions, one set for the upgrade target. 2] Jenkins connects to Beaker system, deletes all repos, mounts RHEL Server ISO, configures repo for RHEL Server ISO, does yum update or distro-sync to get you to the base OS you want to upgrade from. 3] Jenkins mounts product ISO, configures repos for Satellite or Capsule ISO and installs the product you want to upgrade from. 4] Jenkins mounts RHEL Server and product ISO for versions you want to upgrade to, configures repos, runs upgrade.

Some logic to prevent you mixing up the ISO versions, e.g. warning if target version not later than base version.

ntkathole commented 5 years ago

@swadeley currently satellite-installer serves your purpose of point 1,2 and 3. You just need to select SATELLITE_DISTRIBUTION parameter as ISO and pass SATELLITE6_CUSTOM_BASEURL to the job. This will install satellite using ISO url for you.

For point 4, we can have DISTRIBUTION as ISO and one new parameter SATELLITE6_CUSTOM_BASEURL in satellite6-upgrader job same as installer job.

swadeley commented 5 years ago

@ntkathole Thanks for taking a look at this issue.

The goal here is to simulate a disconnected environment, sorry for not making that clear. Any test of upgrading using ISOs that has repos enabled by Subscription Manager is not a valid test.

We need to ensure we install onto a RHEL Server that has only the packages available from the ISO that was current at the time the Satellite ISO was released [1,2].

We need some commands to prepare the test system before starting the install of RHEL Server: "subscription-manger unsubscribe && subscription-manager clean" (no use of subscription-manager after this point) Remove all repos "rm -rf /etc/yum.repos.d/*"" Clear the yum cache "yum clean all"

[1] Red Hat Enterprise Linux Release Dates [2] Red Hat Satellite Release Dates

Thank you