SatelliteWP / rocket-nginx

Rocket-Nginx is a Nginx configuration that makes WP-Rocket even faster by serving static pages directly without loading WordPress or PHP.
MIT License
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Suggested Setup with Cloudflare? #178

Closed jordantrizz closed 2 years ago

jordantrizz commented 2 years ago

This isn't a bug, but more looking for answers on the recommended method for using Rocket Nginx with Cloudflare.

maximejobin commented 2 years ago

There is nothing to do.

We use Cloudflare and there is nothing special if you're using it too!

jordantrizz commented 2 years ago

@maximejobin Are you using the WP Rocket preloading feature?

I'm asking because I've seen a site behind Cloudflare with Rocket Nginx setup continually getting MISS due to traffic not hitting the origin as Cloudflare was holding a cache of the page.

Once the page is purged from the Cloudflare cache, the page is visited by a client. The cache for the page is generated by WP Rocket.

So this results in the cache not being used until such time as Cloudflare passes the traffic through to the origin.

EDIT: You might want to close these tickets when they're old versus automatically closing them after you respond. Just a suggestion :)