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Transcription For Q&A: Is there a known issue with friend's games not showing cross-platform? #7

Closed sean-abercrombie closed 3 years ago

sean-abercrombie commented 3 years ago




Snutt: Tier 17! Jace: Uh is there a known issue with friends' games not showing cross-platform? Jace: My epic [mumbling] store keeps not seeing games hosted by Steam friends. Jace: There is one possibility there. Jace: And that is the selection at the beginning when you started the game when all this happened. Jace: Whether or not you ena.. uh allowed [Snutt clears throat] uh what like Epic and Steam to link. Jace: And I think that makes a difference. Jace: Um if one of you, either your or your friend has done it. Snutt (overlapping): Yes, so it's Jace: Like not linked. Snutt: (overlapping): Exactly Jace: Then that can close that issue. Jace: If you both did link them then I don't know. Snutt: Yeah cause it's like your your your friends on the Steam version needs to link their Epic account for them to show up in the Epic version. Snutt: Albeit there are some case where like you... no one shows up in the list. Snutt: I've seen sometimes when I've played. Snutt: Uh sometimes just like restarting the game uh gets it working again. Snutt: But yeah, it's it's like we're working on those type of things uh to see if we can flush them out. Snutt: It's possible that it gets better in the EOS update we're pushing this week. Snutt: Uh one can hope. Snutt: Uh... but we'll keep looking into those types of issues in the future.

SignpostMarv commented 3 years ago

linking to #5

SignpostMarv commented 3 years ago

currently being processed by youtube

SignpostMarv commented 3 years ago

done, thank you :D