Satishrajc / hello-world

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Simple Python Programs for Beginners #1

Open Satishrajc opened 8 years ago

Satishrajc commented 8 years ago

to help myself.

nmcginty commented 8 years ago

Write a function perishable that has one parameter

number of items in the store

The function reads the bar code (integer)

for each item and its price(float)

All perishable items in the store have EVEN bar codes

The function finds and returns the number of

Perishable items that cost under 2 dollars

Write main that reads the number of items in the store

calls function perishable to find number of perishable

items that cost under 2 dollars

if there are no such items program prints error message

Can randomly generate data

Bonus functions also finds the average price for all

perishable items and average for all non perishable