SatoshiFund /

Blockchain Asset Management
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Update Landing #11

Open lomashuk opened 7 years ago

lomashuk commented 7 years ago
  1. Data below is updated in realtime and can be independently verified on the blockchain = 
 Data below are updated in realtime and can be independently verified on blockchain

  2. Auditable 
You can check state offunds in real time. Each transaction on Blockchain. = 
 You can check state of funds in real time. Each transaction on Blockchain.

  3. High Performance
All SPIES tokens secured by assets. You can buy, sell or we can buy back SPIES token in one day. =
New market with new types of business models will grow faster than anything else.

  4. Liquid 
All SPIES tokens secured by assets. You can buy, sell on the market or we can buy back SPIES token in one day.

  5. Diversification
Invest only in Bitcoins is very risky. We diversify portfolio in different blockchain markets. = 
 Satoshi Pie holds a diverse portfolio of digital assets minimizing the risk of single failure.

  6. Secure 
 You can check state of funds in real time. Each transaction on Blockchain. Check it now.
More than 90% of funds under multisignature. We use only open source and auditable software.

  7. Upload BTC to your bitcoin-wallet Each transaction on Blockchain. Each transaction on Blockchain. = 
 Transfer bitcoins to Satoshi • Pie.

  8. You get your token Each transaction on Blockchain. Each transaction on Blockchain. =
 Get SPIES tokens

  9. You can sell it on the market or redeem Each transaction on Blockchain. Each transaction on Blockchain = 
 Take Profit - sell it on the market or redeem

  10. Wire transfers are Processed within cut-off hours = 
 Satoshi • Pie - the most performance open-end fund that invest in blockchain assets in 2016 
520% in USD 
130% in BTC

  11. The best assets on the market, that are selected by our top-managers=
 The best assets on the market, that are selected by our Fund Managers.

  12. Whitepaper
Lorem ipsum dolor siondi piscing elitm ipsum dolor siondipiscing elit.=

Satoshi Pie Whitepaper consist investment strategy, structure and limits and all important information about management of fund
 This document has been signed using by Fund Managers using ECDSA signatures. 
Konstantin Lomashuk. PGP signature: 0C78 FFA2 1E9D 9145
 Vitaly Lvov. PGP signature: 0E79 77F0 221B 1773
 Dima Starodubcev. PGP signature: 4EC7 4465 2CAA 89D4
 Hash is timestamped in transaction of Bitcoin blockchain

  1. Who we are?
 Satoshi Pie is a blockchain investment fund with proven track record in the growing disruptive blockchain market.
What we do?
 We invest in blockchain assets - crypto currencies and digital assets that live entirely on blockchain and have historically shown faster growth rates compared to traditional assets.

 What are the advantages of Satoshi • Pie? 
Satoshi • Pie is managed by Satoshi • Fund that has strong experience in blockchain industry with technical and financial analysis, marketing overview, due diligence and trading since 2011.

  2. Footer Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla quam velit,vulputate eu phare ac neque. Sed rhoncus, tortor se! = 
 When you buy SPIES you buy part of blockchain market

shargorodsky commented 7 years ago
  1. Liquid 
All SPIES tokens secured by assets. You can buy, sell on the market or we can buy back SPIES token in one day.
    • nothing to change, please provide changes
lomashuk commented 7 years ago

Check it. I add on the market