SatoshiPortal / boltz-rust

Boltz client rust crate
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Chain swaps #51

Closed dangeross closed 1 week ago

dangeross commented 3 weeks ago

This PR adds Chain Swaps. It should include:


i5hi commented 2 weeks ago


Thanks @dangeross !

Will review over the weekend.

i5hi commented 1 week ago

@dangeross couldnt' find tests for this. Attempting to put one together now.

dangeross commented 1 week ago

couldnt' find tests for this. Attempting to put one together now.

Thanks @i5hi, let me know if I can help at all.

It would be cool if @michael1011 could confirm the boltz states used in the chain swaps.

i5hi commented 1 week ago

@dangeross When creating a ChainSwap from BTC to LBTC we would need to use the BtcSwapScript/TxV2 structs right?

i5hi commented 1 week ago

Additionally, its a bit tricky for the user of the library to know who part of the ChainSwapResponse to use as ChainSwapDetails in this function:

 pub fn chain_from_swap_resp(
        side: Side,
        chain_swap_details: ChainSwapDetails,
        our_pubkey: PublicKey,

There is a claim and lockup - ChainSwapDetails - so maybe better for this function to take the ChainSwapResponse object and let the method handle which of the two ChainSwapDetails to use?

dangeross commented 1 week ago

When creating a ChainSwap from BTC to LBTC we would need to use the BtcSwapScript/TxV2 structs right?

The lockup side is BtcSwapScript, the claim side is LBtcSwapScript

dangeross commented 1 week ago

so maybe better for this function to take the ChainSwapResponse object and let the method handle which of the two ChainSwapDetails to use?

Could work, maybe also having two wrapper functions, one for claim and one for lockup. E.g. chain_claim_from_swap_resp and chain_lockup_from_swap_resp

dangeross commented 1 week ago

If it helps @i5hi, here is our current usage. I think having 2 functions is a better approach, then passing the Side is not required. But the Side or maybe details_type Claim/Lockup need to be stored to switch the order of the musig key aggregation

i5hi commented 1 week ago

@dangeross The sign_claim methods now use a new cooperative Cooperative :

    pub fn sign_claim(
        keys: &Keypair,
        preimage: &Preimage,
        absolute_fees: Amount,
        is_cooperative: Option<Cooperative>,
    ) -> Result<Transaction, Error> 

The updated tests in liquid/ have been updated as follows:

                        let tx = claim_tx
                                Some(Cooperative {
                                    boltz_api: &boltz_api_v2,
                                    swap_id: swap_id.clone(),
                                    pub_nonce: None,
                                    partial_sig: None,

This would fail as pub_nonce and partial_sig are not provided.

I went through the breez code base to understand how to use this properly. Can you confirm that this would be correct usage?

                         let claim_tx = LBtcSwapTxV2::new_claim(
                        let refund_tx = BtcSwapTxV2::new_refund(
                        let claim_tx_response =
                        let (partial_sig, pub_nonce) = refund_tx
                        let tx = claim_tx
                                Some(Cooperative {
                                    boltz_api: &boltz_api_v2,
                                    swap_id: swap_id.clone(),
                                    pub_nonce: Some(pub_nonce),
                                    partial_sig: Some(partial_sig),
i5hi commented 1 week ago

I've noticed this actually won't be an issue with LN swaps

            let partial_sig_resp = match self.swap_script.swap_type {
                SwapType::Chain => match (pub_nonce, partial_sig) {
                    (Some(pub_nonce), Some(partial_sig)) => boltz_api.post_chain_claim_tx_details(
                        ToSign {
                            pub_nonce: claim_pub_nonce.serialize().to_lower_hex_string(),
                            transaction: claim_tx_hex,
                            index: 0,
                    _ => Err(Error::Protocol(
                        "Chain swap claim needs a partial_sig".to_string(),
                SwapType::ReverseSubmarine => boltz_api.get_reverse_partial_sig(
                _ => Err(Error::Protocol(format!(
                    "Cannot get partial sig for {:?} Swap",

So i will not change the the LN swap tests. Let me know if the previous comment is the correct flow for chain swaps.

dangeross commented 1 week ago

@i5hi the pub_nonce and partial_sig are only used in the chain swap claim where there is this double exchange of nonce's/sig's. So all other swap types work without these set in Cooperative

i5hi commented 1 week ago

And the pub_nonce and partial_sig are from the refund_tx right?

i5hi commented 1 week ago

And when refunding they would be from the claim_tx?

dangeross commented 1 week ago

And the pub_nonce and partial_sig are from the refund_tx right?


And when refunding they would be from the claim_tx?

They are only needed for the claim flow

i5hi commented 1 week ago

Damn! I merged michael's update to the function name and it broke the test because its usage needs to be updated.

Sorry guys! I will just merge and fix it on trunk immediately.

Can I get an ACK on doing it this way?

Or @dangeross would you be able to fix it from your branch?

Or recommend another strategy?

dangeross commented 1 week ago

ACK @i5hi. Feel free to commit to the PR

i5hi commented 1 week ago

Patched on trunk! Cheers!