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Error funding the Lightning wallet #139

Closed chrisjmccreadie closed 4 years ago

chrisjmccreadie commented 4 years ago

I cannot seem to fund the Lightning wallet, the on-chain balance always shows 0.

The methods I have tried are:

via API using:


calling c-lighting directly the docker container:

exec lightning-cli --lightning-dir=.lightning newaddr

Directly from the spark wallet GUI

I can see the transactions in the blockchain but they do not show up in spark/c-lightning. I have tried the getbalance command from the API as well as listfunds directly with c-lightning and even getbalance (In all 4 wallets as a last-ditch attempt). An example of me funding the spark wallet can be seen below.

This could be an isolated issue for me/my setup but when I use the Bitcoin side of things I can generate an address and send funds to/from it without any issues.

Any help/info you can give would much appericated


Kexkey commented 4 years ago

Hi @chrisjmccreadie !

I am assuming you are using c-lightning 0.7.1. It's strange, I am using that version without any problem (cyphernode v0.2.4).

How many confirmations do you have on the funding transaction? You need to wait 6 confirmations (or is it 3 on testnet, I forgot?) on the funding transaction for the funds to be available to open LN channels.

At least the problem you have exists when you bypass cyphernode (via sparkwallet and clightning-cli), it means we can focus on c-lightning directly.

Can you have a look at clightning logs? Something like this should work:

docker logs `docker ps -q -f "name=cyphernode_lightning\."`
Kexkey commented 4 years ago

I just tested a fresh install on testnet and funds appear with listfunds even with only 2 confirmations... do you still have the problem?

chrisjmccreadie commented 4 years ago

yes. One thing I noticed is I get this sometimes when running

ERROR: for sparkwallet_cyphernode_sparkwallet_1 UnixHTTPConnectionPool(host='localhost', port=None): Read timed out. (read timeout=60)

Not sure if it is related.

chrisjmccreadie commented 4 years ago

Logs for c-lightning

bitcoin ready! 2019-11-12T12:10:24.557Z lightningd(1): Waiting for bitcoind to warm up... 2019-11-12T12:11:04.752Z lightning_gossipd(17): We seem to be missing gossip messages 2019-11-12T12:11:04.831Z lightningd(1): -------------------------------------------------- 2019-11-12T12:11:04.831Z lightningd(1): Server started with public key 03a7e8b1edf3020bacca2ca0e5c8a6f8c52977e3362846c09097d02b7d9f63c077, alias ???? New Narwhal ???? (color #8c40bf) and lightningd v0.7.1 2019-11-12T12:11:05.139Z lightningd(1): bitcoin-cli: finished bitcoin-cli -testnet getblockhash 1057884 (18446744073709551609 ms) 2019-11-12T12:11:23.298Z lightningd(1): bitcoin-cli: finished bitcoin-cli -testnet getblockhash 1057901 (14874 ms) 2019-11-12T12:11:35.108Z lightningd(1): bitcoin-cli: finished bitcoin-cli -testnet getblock 0000000000001a749b7d2aabaf7f0c6c48441c021f13e3087c89682d37b06919 false (18446744073709551614 ms) 2019-11-12T12:11:56.158Z lightningd(1): bitcoin-cli: finished bitcoin-cli -testnet getblock 0000000000000c2b907197c64a362323ce8fe6dc459d41b06175103037ae9f06 false (18446744073709551345 ms) 2019-11-12T12:12:50.000Z lightningd(1): bitcoin-cli: finished bitcoin-cli -testnet getblock 000000006ea4f4cecf0e3e575f4e972b6036e5d261876a5df48e8a3f4abe0fd2 false (18446744073709551017 ms) 2019-11-12T12:14:11.092Z lightningd(1): bitcoin-cli: finished bitcoin-cli -testnet getblockhash 1059799 (18446744073709551279 ms) 2019-11-12T12:14:18.112Z lightningd(1): bitcoin-cli: finished bitcoin-cli -testnet getblockhash 1059850 (18446744073709551439 ms) 2019-11-12T12:15:51.008Z lightningd(1): bitcoin-cli: finished bitcoin-cli -testnet getblockhash 1060924 (18446744073709550654 ms) 2019-11-12T12:16:34.840Z lightningd(1): bitcoin-cli: finished bitcoin-cli -testnet getblockhash 1061454 (18446744073709551596 ms) 2019-11-12T12:17:04.819Z lightningd(1): bitcoin-cli: finished bitcoin-cli -testnet getblock 0000000000000310b29dcc8b2a951efa4f57a73c5fa9fc538df6c1327c3d201e false (18446744073709551602 ms)

chrisjmccreadie commented 4 years ago

here is the output from listfunds btw

Ruuning Listfunds: { "outputs" : [], "channels" : [] } data = { command: 'docker exec d2512d4c22e6 lightning-cli --lightning-dir=.lightning listfunds ', raw: '{\n "outputs" : [],\n "channels" : []\n}\n' }

chrisjmccreadie commented 4 years ago

The dev-listaddrs addresses show these addresses I created used the newaddr calls. Silly question time is there something that has to be fully synced like the bitcoin blockchain for Lightning as I noticed this in the c-lightning logs

bitcoin-cli: finished bitcoin-cli -testnet getblockhash 1110639 (14983 ms

and we are currently on block 1608118 on testnet 3?

chrisjmccreadie commented 4 years ago

I guess this is the issue as I now see in the get info there is a block height so when this is caught I assume I will see the funds.

Ruuning getinfo: { "id" : "03a7e8b1edf3020bacca2ca0e5c8a6f8c52977e3362846c09097d02b7d9f63c077", "alias" : "🚀 New Narwhal 🚀", "color" : "8c40bf", "num_peers" : 0, "num_pending_channels" : 0, "num_active_channels" : 0, "num_inactive_channels" : 0, "address" : [ { "type" : "ipv4", "address" : "", "port" : 9735 } ], "binding" : [ { "type" : "ipv4", "address" : "", "port" : 9735 } ], "version" : "v0.7.1", "blockheight" : 1258484, "network" : "testnet", "msatoshi_fees_collected" : 0, "fees_collected_msat" : "0msat" }

Kexkey commented 4 years ago

Yes, you have to be fully synced to see your latest transactions.

Let me know if it works! :)

chrisjmccreadie commented 4 years ago

gotcha, as usual, me being dumb. Thanks again for the quick response. Looks like I should be synced in a few hours I will let you know how it goes.

chrisjmccreadie commented 4 years ago

worked :]


FrancisPouliot commented 4 years ago

Glad it worked out!