SatoshiPortal / cyphernode

Modular Bitcoin full-node microservices API server architecture and utilities toolkit to build scalable, secure and featureful apps and services without trusted third parties
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addtobatch response + addtobatch/batchspend enhancements #190

Closed xsats closed 3 years ago

xsats commented 4 years ago

Awesome project - I’ve been poking around and looking forward to exploring more!

I have a few questions relating to batching and spending transactions, which I’d really appreciate some insight on.

As far as I can tell, calling the addToBatch() api doesn’t currently return a response, so I’d like to know; what is the best way to confirm that a new tx is staged in an upcoming batch? Is there a way to query the transactions in (an) upcoming batch(es)? Alternatively, if there is no callback/api what’s the best way to view txs sitting in a pending batch?

On a related note, before calling batchSpend() is there currently a convenient way to return/validate txs in a batch before broadcasting?

I’m also interested in how fees are handled through the api. What are the best practices relating to tx fee estimation and configuration within cyphernode and where does one configure the fees? Sorry if this has already been detailed - my digging hasn’t yet successfully uncovered this info.

Thanks in advance!

Kexkey commented 4 years ago

Hi @xsats ! Thanks for the questions. Funny you're asking those because I was about to revisit and add features to the batching endpoints this week! Here is what I'm about to do, tell me if you think it makes sense and is useful to you.

My plan is to develop all that this week, so stay tuned. Let me know if you think there could be useful additions to all that.

BTW currently the fees are controlled by using the confTarget arg to the spend endpoint as well as by adding a txconfirmtarget in bitcoin.conf to set the default.

xsats commented 4 years ago

Thanks a lot for the detailed response @Kexkey !

You read my mind :) these additions are exactly the type of thing I was looking for, and more! Here are some of my thoughts and comments, keeping your same order:

*One additional (lesser priority) feature I'd like to suggest is the ability to configure thresholds (e.g. in a config file) for batch age (and possibly also number of outputs in and/or value of particular batch), and add a separate webhook type that fires a callback to notify when the threshold is reached/exceeded. This could be useful to help keep track of batches and make sure that they remain within the desired bounds in terms of batch interval/value when broadcasted - "spend me, I'm getting old/fat". Batch could be checked on the addition of each new output before the response is sent. To attempt to improve privacy/reduce potential for chain snoopers, perhaps it may also be useful if there is an option to configure a randomly generated variance about the configured threshold e.g. set a batch age threshold of 30mins with variance 0.2; when the first output is added to a batch, a randomly generated threshold between 24-36mins is associated with that particular batch (notifierthreshold property or something like that). I suppose there could be the ability to set multiple thresholds in the config, to account for batches with different priorities/fee rates. Alternatively this logic could be included in a createnewbatch endpoint, which takes arguments like batchagethreshold, thresholdvariance - this method may be superior in terms of control and ease of use.

Thanks for the info on controlling fees, that makes sense :)

Sorry this turned into an essay! I hope you find some of this useful. I need to brush up on shell so I can try to start contributing something useful to cyphernode!

xsats commented 4 years ago

I see now that @FrancisPouliot has already written in some detail (#6) how the batching implementation might look - really like all of these ideas e.g. batch scheduling, frequency, batch status and index and a lovely comprehensive list of batch data types for lookup!

On top of that the PSBT endpoints raised in #7 sound ideal!

Are the specs outlined in #6 and #7 still roughly what you plan to implement? Very excited about all of this!

FrancisPouliot commented 4 years ago

Hey! The batching schedule idea was initially just a brainstorm. The route we ended up doing was having the client apps manage their own scheduling

CC @Kexkey and I have discussed this recently

But im still open with having the scheduler within cyphernode itself

Kexkey commented 4 years ago

@xsats unfortunately, there's no way to explicitly set the feerate on the sendmany RPC call in Bitcoin Core. There is a 3 year old PR for that though:

For now, instead of using createrawtransaction, fundrawtransaction and sendrawtransaction to achieve that, I will wait for the PR to be merged in Bitcoin Core and will only support confTarget to set the transaction fee, at least for phase 1 of this feature,.

Yes, that means there will be a phase 2 for this feature :) because I want to have the basic stuff quickly released and the most advanced ideas later.

Kexkey commented 3 years ago

Little followup, things have been a little bit slow during July, but the features/batching branch is pretty stable. Here is what we decided to do: CN will have the basic batching functionalities and I'm developing a new CypherApp called Batcher that will hide the complexity of the batching in CN and add flexibility. Kind of a 2nd layer.

Example of added features in the Batcher: automatic merging of same outputs, handling of different webhooks when outputs merged, added data to the webhooks body, simplify the interface (batchRequestId + batchId vs batcherId + outputId + txid), batch scheduling, amount threshold, etc.

Also, the Batcher cypherapp is coded in TypeScript, which is easier to contribute to and clearer than JavaScript by typing everything. My first TypeScript experience!

We are slowly moving to using json-rpc everywhere, planning to have 100% json-rpc compliance in the CN v1 API. Right now we have a hybrid API which is kind of weird.

Anyway, Batcher v1 coming soon!

P.S.: also planning Cyphernode v0.5.0 that will include the enhanced batching stuff.

xsats commented 3 years ago

Closing this, now that the cn batcher is here!