SaturnFramework / Saturn

Opinionated, web development framework for F# which implements the server-side, functional MVC pattern
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DELETE requests to deletef and forwardf routing to a controller fail with 404 not found #160

Closed MarneeDear closed 5 years ago

MarneeDear commented 5 years ago

Possibly related to issue #54

Using the latest from Saturn master branch as of 12/20/2018 at 10:00 MDT.

Using Controller.Sample I added a deletef route to topRouter and added a new deleteRoute router. The route pattern is /delete/%i.

This is the URL I put in PostMan to make the DELETE request: http://localhost:8085/delete/1111

You can see the source code for this in my forked repo here:

Delete requests to this route fail with 404 when the route sends directly to a controller

   deletef "/delete/%i" (fun (_ : int) -> userController)

Requests directly to a function are OK.

let apiDeleteExample2 id = sprintf "Echo: %i" id |> text

//inside topRouter
    deletef "/delete/%s" apiDeleteExample2

I'm using dotnet on Windows 10. When I run Controller.Sample I do dotnet watch run.


I think this happens when the id passed to the controller is not a string.

This doesnt work (id is type int)

//In userController
    delete (fun ctx id -> (sprintf "Delete handler no version failed - %i" id) |> Controller.text ctx)

//In topRouter
    deletef "/delete/%i" (fun (_:int) -> userController)

This works (id is type string)

//In userController
    delete (fun ctx id -> (sprintf "Delete handler no version failed - %s" id) |> Controller.text ctx)

//In topRouter
   deletef "/delete/%s" (fun (_:string) -> userController)
MarneeDear commented 5 years ago

forwardf instead of getf seems to work, but I am having problems with pointing it to another router. I'm going to write a new issue.

MarneeDear commented 5 years ago

Made the comment on the wrong issue.

MarneeDear commented 5 years ago

I suspect I will need to use forwardf. I am trying that out.

MarneeDear commented 5 years ago

DELETE with a forwardf to a controller are 404.

These both 404.

    deletef "/delete/%i" (fun (_:int) -> userController)
    forwardf "/delete/%i" (fun (_ : int) -> userController)

See full source code here.

NinoFloris commented 5 years ago

I just looked at what the code is doing, and its not wrong. However it's not obvious how it all works either. To understand you need to know a few important points to grasp why all your examples do what they do.

Now you also see, when you don't use a consuming route handler as delete/deletef and related friends are, every subsequent handler will start their match at the same point in path again.

In your samples you write out id as %s in your sprintf handler. Through F#s type inference that will set the controller's 'Key type as string. The result is that the string route basically matches anything of path, returning to you delete/11 as the id.

This last part feels like a bug though, and is something I need to think about, it seems incorrect that a 'Key = string controller would just always match the full remaining path, intuitively I would expect it would return delete as the id instead, stopping at the first unencoded '/'. What do you think @Krzysztof-Cieslak?

Some functional examples for what you want and to get a feel for the mechanisms: This is the canonical idiomatic way to do what you want in Saturn:

let projectsController = controller {
    index (fun ctx -> "List of projects" |> Controller.text ctx)
    delete (fun ctx id -> sprintf "My id %s" id |> Controller.text ctx)

let r = router {
    forward "/projects" projectsController

If you need a route that just does delete, you should use your Requests directly to a function are OK. example. But if you really need controller functionality you can do the following:

let deleteController = controller {
    delete (fun ctx id -> sprintf "My id %s" id |> Controller.text ctx)

let r = router {
    // forward will consume /delete so /11 is what is passed to deleteController to be parsed as id
    // DELETE and other HttpMethod filters can be found in Giraffe.Core
    forward "/delete" (DELETE >=> deleteController)

This is a weird one, but good for grokking how it all works. deleteAll matches on "/" while delete matches on "/%'Key". So now you basically made your controller a function that accepts an id, (like subControllers) and then it uses the deleteAll route to match on the remaining route part if its a DELETE request.

let deleteController id = controller {
    deleteAll (fun ctx -> sprintf "My id %s" id |> Controller.text ctx)

let r = router {
    deletef "/delete/%s" deleteController

Hope this helps!

NinoFloris commented 5 years ago

Fix for weird matching behavior of %s controllers is pushed, see

Krzysztof-Cieslak commented 5 years ago

Hey, @NinoFloris thanks for the detailed response!

@MarneeDear, I'll close this issue - as Nino mentioned above, most of the behaviour is expected, and the %s bug was fixed by #168 and will be available in next Saturn release. Please let us know if we can help more with the problems - we probably need to clarify some documentation around (sub)routing.