SaturnFramework / Saturn

Opinionated, web development framework for F# which implements the server-side, functional MVC pattern
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DBUP option instead of fluent migrations #250

Closed jkone27 closed 4 years ago

jkone27 commented 4 years ago

I believe for DB migrations , giving also the simpler DbUp (using sql scripts) as option would be really nice, instead of migration DSL packages like fluent-migrator. But this is indeed more for Saturn repo, will post it there.

also combining Fsharp.Data.SqlClient might make migration sql scripts compile-time checked :)

Krzysztof-Cieslak commented 4 years ago

instead of migration DSL packages like fluent-migrator.

Saturn is not using any migration DSLs. Actually Saturn itself is not using any migrations - we have support for some in the template and CLI tool. In this case, we're using Simple.Migrations which are using normal SQL for migrations, and I'm really happy with it, so we won't make any changes here just for sake of making changes.

Thanks for the suggestion!

jkone27 commented 4 years ago

well it does not use sql scripts, does it? i mean file with .sql extension, it uses SQL but as a string, but then I guess Fsharp.Data.SqlClient can be used there anyway to compile check the queries so that a code with a wrong migration script does not compile, ok thanks