SaturnFramework / Saturn

Opinionated, web development framework for F# which implements the server-side, functional MVC pattern
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BUG - JWT auth challenge bypassed in nested enpoint routers #319

Open artipo opened 2 years ago

artipo commented 2 years ago

Hi, I was trying the new EndpointRouter routing and I think to have found a bug.

It occurs when you try to cover under jwt authentication a sub router. Code speak for itself.

let sub =
    router {
        get "/" (text "not secured") // accessible without authentication

let privateEndpoints =
    router {
        pipe_through (Auth.requireAuthentication JWT)
        forward "/sub" sub
        get "/" (text "secured") // NOT accessible without authentication

let appEndpoints =
    router {
        forward "/api" privateEndpoints
        get "/" (text "public") // accessible without authentication

let app =
    application {
        use_jwt_authentication "secret" "issuer"
        use_endpoint_router appEndpoints
        url ""
        listen_local 8085 ignore

I'm using .Net 5.0 via CLI. and Saturn 0.15.

I think it's a bug because if the old routers are used everything works correctly (route "/api/sub" becomes NOT accessible without authentication).

Here's a small project that includes the code above.

Feel free to ask more info, thank you in advance.