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Update to .NET6 #322

Closed tforkmann closed 2 years ago

forki commented 2 years ago

can you please send the paket and fake changes in a separate PR?

Krzysztof-Cieslak commented 2 years ago

Eh, I think those build system changes are fine.

However, we need CI updates.

tforkmann commented 2 years ago

This is fixed now.

Anything else missing?

forki commented 2 years ago

Well it's fixed in master. But not released

cartermp commented 2 years ago

The fix is released in the compiler that targets the VS 17.1 update, which is released, so we can re-run this and plumb it through

cartermp commented 2 years ago

Oh, lame, it's still a fucking preview

isaacabraham commented 2 years ago

My understanding was that Feb/Mar time?

cartermp commented 2 years ago

My experience tells me it will be a month, yes. But which one? Some manager in devdiv has a month on a ticket in Azure DevOps, and believes with all their heart that it'll ship that month. This has no actual bearing on when it will ship.

isaacabraham commented 2 years ago

I thought that the code was all ready to go and there was some release window for NET 6 coming up that it was already scheduled for. Most likely I got that wrong ;-)

cartermp commented 2 years ago

My experience tells me it's far less organized and planned than you'd expect.

tforkmann commented 2 years ago

It’s just weird that you don’t find any roadmap.

baronfel commented 2 years ago

Current release target for 6.0.2xx is early February, but we're still catching up from the holidays + a snafu or two with the 6.0.1xx service releases in December, so that could slip (as always).

cartermp commented 2 years ago

@tforkmann roadmaps are just lies an organization agrees to tell its users 🙂

cartermp commented 2 years ago

Linking - not that it's required per say, but there's a dependency chain I want traced

tforkmann commented 2 years ago

Hi there,

dotnet 6.102.

Do you guys know if the fix made it into the newest release?



cartermp commented 2 years ago

Dunno, about to find out :)

cartermp commented 2 years ago

At least for macOS developers, the answer is no:

If anyone has a windows or linux machine and can confirm or deny the fix that'd be great

tforkmann commented 2 years ago

Ok could you please try again? 6.0.200 got released today. Thanks :)

tforkmann commented 2 years ago

Looks good :)

cartermp commented 2 years ago

@tforkmann I looked it over and everything looks kosher to me. README update would be needed too but that isn't critical. Anything else here you think is WIP?

tforkmann commented 2 years ago

@cartermp Just changed the README a bit. Could do more later. Do think there is more open issues. I added you and @baronfel as reviewer.

tforkmann commented 2 years ago

@baronfel Hope thats how you wanted it to be implemented. Never saw that before so hope thats correct now.

baronfel commented 2 years ago

@tforkmann LGTM! Shipit!

tforkmann commented 2 years ago

Somehow it’s didn’t release directly … have to check why

tforkmann commented 2 years ago

Preview Version 0.16.0-preview03 just got release

tforkmann commented 2 years ago

Works for me...How about you guys?