SaturnFramework / Saturn

Opinionated, web development framework for F# which implements the server-side, functional MVC pattern
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How To Start a Saturn Project #349

Open scorelocity opened 1 year ago

scorelocity commented 1 year ago

Followed instructions on How To Start page exactly and when I run:

dotnet fake build -t run

I get the following error:

Could not execute because the specified command or file was not found.

Am I missing a global install of Fake or is something wrong with the local tools install, or something else?

Originally posted by @scorelocity in

ghost commented 1 year ago

Are you able to run this?

dotnet --list-sdks
scorelocity commented 1 year ago


6.0.301 [/usr/share/dotnet/sdk]

scorelocity commented 1 year ago

Seems that Fake is not being installed. It appears that fake-cli was removed from dotnet-tools.json in the Saturn template in this commit:

and therefore not being installed as part of

dotnet tool restore

Does it need to be installed some other way?

ghost commented 1 year ago

I think it does not need to be installed. Previously it was used to facilitate the building of the project.

I thought that it would be possible to run this template by:

# after installing the template and instantiating a sample project
# ...
dotnet run --project ./src/SaturnSample/

But it's throwing a bunch of errors.

ghost commented 1 year ago

Hum, those errors are related to the BooksViews, BooksRepository and BooksController. My guess is that after the upgrade that removed Fake (probably due to .NET incompatibilities), the feature of creating View/Repository/Controller automatically through the CLI started creating outdated files which does not compile.

❯ dotnet run --project ./src/SaturnSample/
    ~/SaturnSample/src/SaturnSample/Books/BooksViews.fs(4,14): error FS0039: The namespace 'GiraffeViewEngine' is not defined. [~/SaturnSample/src/SaturnSample/SaturnSample.fsproj]
    ~/SaturnSample/src/SaturnSample/Books/BooksViews.fs(10,7): error FS0039: The value or constructor 'div' is not defined. Maybe you want one of the following:   dict   Edit [~/SaturnSample/src/SaturnSample/SaturnSample.fsproj]
    ~/SaturnSample/src/SaturnSample/Books/BooksViews.fs(40,18): error FS0039: The value or constructor 'section' is not defined. Maybe you want one of the following:   Action [~/SaturnSample/src/SaturnSample/SaturnSample.fsproj]
    ~/SaturnSample/src/SaturnSample/Books/BooksViews.fs(45,7): error FS0039: The value or constructor 'div' is not defined. Maybe you want one of the following:   dict   Edit [~/SaturnSample/src/SaturnSample/SaturnSample.fsproj]
    ~/SaturnSample/src/SaturnSample/Books/BooksViews.fs(57,18): error FS0039: The value or constructor 'section' is not defined. Maybe you want one of the following:   Action [~/SaturnSample/src/SaturnSample/SaturnSample.fsproj]
    ~/SaturnSample/src/SaturnSample/Books/BooksViews.fs(61,7): error FS0039: The value or constructor 'div' is not defined. Maybe you want one of the following:   dict   Edit [~/SaturnSample/src/SaturnSample/SaturnSample.fsproj]
    ~/SaturnSample/src/SaturnSample/Books/BooksViews.fs(67,7): error FS0039: The value or constructor 'div' is not defined. Maybe you want one of the following:   dict   Edit [~/SaturnSample/src/SaturnSample/SaturnSample.fsproj]
    ~/SaturnSample/src/SaturnSample/Books/BooksViews.fs(81,7): error FS0039: The value or constructor 'div' is not defined. Maybe you want one of the following:   dict   Edit [~/SaturnSample/src/SaturnSample/SaturnSample.fsproj]
    ~/SaturnSample/src/SaturnSample/Books/BooksViews.fs(91,7): error FS0039: The value or constructor 'div' is not defined. Maybe you want one of the following:   dict   Edit [~/SaturnSample/src/SaturnSample/SaturnSample.fsproj]
    ~/SaturnSample/src/SaturnSample/Books/BooksViews.fs(102,18): error FS0039: The value or constructor 'section' is not defined. Maybe you want one of the following:   Action [~/SaturnSample/src/SaturnSample/SaturnSample.fsproj]
    ~/SaturnSample/src/SaturnSample/Books/BooksRepository.fs(6,27): error FS0039: The namespace 'ContextInsensitive' is not defined. [~/SaturnSample/src/SaturnSample/SaturnSample.fsproj]
    ~/SaturnSample/src/SaturnSample/Books/BooksController.fs(4,27): error FS0039: The namespace 'ContextInsensitive' is not defined. [~/SaturnSample/src/SaturnSample/SaturnSample.fsproj]

The build failed. Fix the build errors and run again.
scorelocity commented 1 year ago

Yes, I'm getting the same errors when using dotnet run.

ghost commented 1 year ago

@scorelocity try doing this:

  1. Update the BooksView.fs file. Switch open Giraffe.GiraffeViewEngine for open Giraffe.ViewEngine.
  2. Update the Books.Repository.fs. Delete the open FSharp.Control.Tasks.ContextInsensitive.
  3. Update the Books.Controller.fs. Delete the open FSharp.Control.Tasks.ContextInsensitive.

After those changes, try the dotnet run again.

scorelocity commented 1 year ago

Yes, that seemed to work. Since this workaround didn't match any docs or README, I wonder if this should be an issue in the Saturn.Template project (I opened it here because I did not know what the problem was). It's also not clear if Saturn is intentionally moving away from Fake.

Anyways, @vgajo , thank you for your help.

ghost commented 1 year ago

I created a PR to fix the template in Saturn.Cli repository, so we don't need to manually delete and switch some instructions.

We need to work later in the docs.

Please keep this issue open, while we don't have a PR to fix it (you can create it if you want).

64J0 commented 1 year ago

I created this PR ^ to update the how-to-start guide. You can find more details reading its description.

precisemath commented 1 year ago

I created this PR: as a part of this discussion. It changes GiraffeViewEngine to Giraffe.ViewEngine.

mrakgr commented 1 year ago

I am having issues opening the template project as well. I got it to run, but am wondering why Ionide can't open the project to give me type inference. Right now I am trying to open it in Visual Studio, and I see that it is complaining that Saturn_sample.fsproj is not there. I am looking in the directory and see that it is named Saturn-sample.fsproj.

mrakgr commented 1 year ago

I've edited the solution file by hand to fix this. I wonder if there is a way to delete and regenerate the solution automatically?

mrakgr commented 1 year ago

The main page loads, but going to: http://localhost:8085/books

Gives the following error:

SQLite Error 1: 'no such table: Books'.
at Books.Controller.indexAction@10.MoveNext() in E:\Webdev\Fable\Saturn-sample\src\Saturn-sample\Books\BooksController.fs:line 17 at Giraffe.Core.chooseHttpFunc@122.Invoke(Unit unitVar) at Ply.TplPrimitives.ContinuationStateMachine`1.System-Runtime-CompilerServices-IAsyncStateMachine-MoveNext() at Giraffe.Core.continuation@1-5(HttpContext ctx, FSharpList`1 tail, FSharpOption`1 _arg1) at Giraffe.Core.chooseHttpFunc@122.Invoke(Unit unitVar) at Ply.TplPrimitives.ContinuationStateMachine`1.System-Runtime-CompilerServices-IAsyncStateMachine-MoveNext() at Giraffe.Core.chooseHttpFunc@122.Invoke(Unit unitVar) at Ply.TplPrimitives.ContinuationStateMachine`1.System-Runtime-CompilerServices-IAsyncStateMachine-MoveNext() at Saturn.Controller.controllerWithErrorHandler@356-2.Invoke(Unit unitVar) at Ply.TplPrimitives.tryWith[u](FSharpFunc`2 continuation, FSharpFunc`2 catch) --- End of stack trace from previous location --- at Saturn.Controller.controllerWithErrorHandler@355-4.Invoke(Exception _arg2) at Ply.TplPrimitives.tryWith[u](FSharpFunc`2 continuation, FSharpFunc`2 catch) at Ply.TplPrimitives.ContinuationStateMachine`1.System-Runtime-CompilerServices-IAsyncStateMachine-MoveNext() at Giraffe.Core.chooseHttpFunc@122.Invoke(Unit unitVar) at Ply.TplPrimitives.ContinuationStateMachine`1.System-Runtime-CompilerServices-IAsyncStateMachine-MoveNext() at Giraffe.Core.chooseHttpFunc@122.Invoke(Unit unitVar) at Ply.TplPrimitives.ContinuationStateMachine`1.System-Runtime-CompilerServices-IAsyncStateMachine-MoveNext() at Giraffe.SubRouting.routeWithPartialPath@24.Invoke(Unit unitVar) at Ply.TplPrimitives.ContinuationStateMachine`1.System-Runtime-CompilerServices-IAsyncStateMachine-MoveNext() at Giraffe.Core.chooseHttpFunc@122.Invoke(Unit unitVar) at Ply.TplPrimitives.ContinuationStateMachine`1.System-Runtime-CompilerServices-IAsyncStateMachine-MoveNext() at Giraffe.Core.continuation@1-5(HttpContext ctx, FSharpList`1 tail, FSharpOption`1 _arg1) at Giraffe.Core.chooseHttpFunc@122.Invoke(Unit unitVar) at Ply.TplPrimitives.ContinuationStateMachine`1.System-Runtime-CompilerServices-IAsyncStateMachine-MoveNext() at Saturn.PipelineHelpers.continuation@1-4(FSharpFunc`2 nxt, HttpContext ctx, Unit _arg1) at Saturn.PipelineHelpers.fetchSession@195.Invoke(Unit unitVar) at Ply.TplPrimitives.ContinuationStateMachine`1.System-Runtime-CompilerServices-IAsyncStateMachine-MoveNext() at Giraffe.Core.chooseHttpFunc@122.Invoke(Unit unitVar) at Ply.TplPrimitives.ContinuationStateMachine`1.System-Runtime-CompilerServices-IAsyncStateMachine-MoveNext() at Giraffe.SubRouting.routeWithPartialPath@24.Invoke(Unit unitVar) at Ply.TplPrimitives.ContinuationStateMachine`1.System-Runtime-CompilerServices-IAsyncStateMachine-MoveNext() at Giraffe.Core.chooseHttpFunc@122.Invoke(Unit unitVar) at Ply.TplPrimitives.ContinuationStateMachine`1.System-Runtime-CompilerServices-IAsyncStateMachine-MoveNext() at Giraffe.Middleware.Invoke@31.Invoke(Unit unitVar) at Ply.TplPrimitives.ContinuationStateMachine`1.System-Runtime-CompilerServices-IAsyncStateMachine-MoveNext() at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Session.SessionMiddleware.Invoke(HttpContext context) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Session.SessionMiddleware.Invoke(HttpContext context) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.ResponseCompression.ResponseCompressionMiddleware.InvokeCore(HttpContext context) at Giraffe.Middleware.Invoke@64-5.Invoke(Unit unitVar) at Ply.TplPrimitives.tryWith[u](FSharpFunc`2 continuation, FSharpFunc`2 catch)

I am not familiar with databases so I have no idea what to do here.

64J0 commented 1 year ago

@mrakgr What command did you use to create the project locally?

mrakgr commented 1 year ago

I followed the stuff in here:

But dotnet fake build -t run doesn't work for me so I am running it with dotnet run --project ./src/Saturn-sample/.

64J0 commented 1 year ago

Got it, I think the instructions there are a bit wrong. Maybe those instructions work well:

I'm going to test it in my local environment soon.

mrakgr commented 1 year ago

Do I need to install anything special for SQLite perhaps?

64J0 commented 1 year ago

What is the output of the dotnet saturn migration?

mrakgr commented 1 year ago
PS E:\Webdev\Fable\Saturn-sample> dotnet saturn migration

PS E:\Webdev\Fable\Saturn-sample> 

Nothing as far I can see. I forgot whether something has happened the first time around? I'll try a fresh template.

mrakgr commented 1 year ago

I tried it, and the output of the migration is the same as above.

mrakgr commented 1 year ago

Btw, dotnet new saturn -lang F# should be dotnet new Saturn -lang F#.

64J0 commented 1 year ago

Hum, weird, it was supposed to create the database with this command. There is something wrong with it then. This CLI command is related to this project AFAIK:

mrakgr commented 1 year ago

Wait, I get it.

PS E:\Webdev\Fable\SaturnSample> dotnet saturn migration
Migrating from 0: Empty Schema to 202302071317: CreateBooks (Create Books)

202302071317: CreateBooks (Create Books) migrating

      id TEXT NOT NULL,
      title TEXT NOT NULL,
      author TEXT NOT NULL


PS E:\Webdev\Fable\SaturnSample> 

I didn't think this would be a problem, but it seems the directory needs to be exactly SaturnSample. I skipped that step and had issues with the solution file previously, and now it seems the database. Sorry about this. Still, I wonder why the database migration needs to have a hardcoded directory like this?

64J0 commented 1 year ago

It's pretty weird, for sure. And it's also curious that it does not throw any error when you run the command outside the expected directory.

mrakgr commented 1 year ago
let main argv =
    let assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()
    use db = new SqliteConnection "DataSource=src/Saturn-sample/database.sqlite"

I figured out how to make the database migration work on the project inside the Saturn-sample directory. I changed the use db = new SqliteConnection "DataSource=src/Saturn_sample/database.sqlite" to what you see above and the migration worked. I had to do similar kinds of fixes in the .sln file previously.

I review, though I apologized for failing to follow the instructions exactly, it is clearly that the template is broken. Maybe it is converting the - to _ for some reason.

rusanov-vladimir commented 1 year ago

I believe you were hitting this bug. And there is a PR attempting to fix the template.