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Update FSharp.Control.Websockets to 0.3.0 to fix WebSockets #389

Open 64J0 opened 1 month ago

64J0 commented 1 month ago


With this PR, I'm updating the FSharp.Control.Websockets package version to 0.3.0 so we can use WebSockets again. Btw, this issue is currently blocking me with some code.

Related issues:

How to test:

# first, assert that the problem is real
git checkout main # make sure that this branch is updated
dotnet tool restore # we need paket
cd sample/ChannelsSample
dotnet run

# use some tool to test the websocket connection
# I'm using wscat, since it's easy to use
wscat -c ws://localhost:8085/channel
# notice the error right next
Connected (press CTRL+C to quit)
Disconnected (code: 1006, reason: "")

# now test this branch code
git checkout fix-ws # assert that the code is updated
dotnet run
wscat -c ws://localhost:8085/channel

# assert that it's working fine, and the connection was correctly stablished

# =======================
# another option is to open the sample web page, going to localhost:8085
# and testing it there (paying attention to the server logs)
# you can use the following endpoints through the terminal:
curl localhost:8085/ping
curl localhost:8085/ping?message=hi
64J0 commented 4 weeks ago

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